oh yeah

DUDE YOU ARE SMOKING CRACK!!!!!! what the fuck does linkin park have to do with heavy metal? all they are are a bunch of hip hop wanna be rock stars all these new "rock/rap bands are the down fall to music now days they suck along with evey other bullshit group out there right now. fuck linkin park and limp bisquick
DEVIEANT>>>Goddammit motherfucker, let the man like who he fuckin likes. Is he tearing the cock out of your MOUTH? No he isnt. If he likes the fuckin back street boys.WHO CARES? DO I care? HELL NO!

The best thing you could have done in this thread, was to say, """I respect your opinion, but i do not like that band""" But nooooooooo, you had to get all ENTANGLED in Jizz, and poped your pie hole.

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