black winter day!!

Black Winter Day said:
Har har.

"In every wish and dream and happy hooommme.... you will find the kingdom of... THE GNOOOMMMEESSSS!!!!"

Do you remember these?

Eureeka's Castle
Maya the Bee
Nick Arcade
You Can't Do That On Television!
What Would You Do?
The Noozles

YES! YES!! i was going to ask you about maya the bee hahahaha. maaaaaaaaaaaaaya, maya the beeeeeee.
remember weinerville? qwahahaha
Hahaha, yep. Mark Weiner (wasn't that his name?).
Oh yeah, and all those crappy game shows that I somehow watched 5,000 times... Wild and Crazy Kids (hosted by Cuba Gooding Jr.'s brother), Legends of the Hidden Temple, Guts, etc.

What the hell was the show What Would You Do? I distinctly remember the theme song and I'm sure I watched it countless times, but I can't seem to remember what took place on it!
hmmm...i don't exactly remember!! but i remember there was the "wall of stuff" people would reach into and either get prizes or pie faces out of
Wow, flashbacks from the early Nickelodeon/Pinwheel era. Quality children's programming from Canadia. I was mostly a Dangermouse and Count Duckula fan myself. And of course, the original Double Dare. I so badly wanted to slide down the chocolate-syrup-and-whipped-cream covered slide.
i still watch ahhh! real monsters and rocko's modern life from time to time. great shows. legends of the hidden temple haha, wasn't that the show with the teams "green monkeys" and "silver snakes" and "blue barcudas" and i don't remember what the red and orange and purple were, and at the end they'd run through this thing and have zulus attack them? i looooooooved that show
Willie rules!
