Oi Sydney people...

:lol: Marks just being mean :)

She looks alright to me, but what do I know, I once thought that if I was in an elevator that was falling that if I jumped right before it hit the ground id be ok :)
spawn said:
:lol: Marks just being mean :)

She looks alright to me, but what do I know, I once thought that if I was in an elevator that was falling that if I jumped right before it hit the ground id be ok :)

:) A lot of people think that. But the problem is, how do you know when you're going to hit? And, secondly, even if you do manage to time it exactly, when you touch the ground again, you're still going to be travelling at the same speed the lift was when it impacted a spplit second before, so you'll still hit the ground as hard and, consequently, die.
Well hang on a second, ive never had a chance to try it, so dont be so quick to dismiss it, it might just save your life the next time it happens to you :)
Getting waaayyyyy off topic now (I can't see the fucking photos anyway at the moment), but has any seen those books that have "survival" hints in them like how to jump off a bridge and survive and how to drop into a dumpster from a high window and how to jump out of a moving vehicle? They're cool :)
Dont feel bad Gorey, if she is in an elevator that breaks, then where will she be?
Wishing she had met Gorey so he could pass on the secret of life, thats where.