Ok guys, give Trivium a chance


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
So I got the new Trivium album ($7.99 this week at Best Buy). Holy cow what a GREAT album. For fans of the bay area thrash sound (with a modern touch to it, without ruining it). I hear bits of old Metallica (Master, Justice), Heathen (Victims of Deception), Testament (older) - you name it...all this with their own touch and sound to it. I highly recommend checking it out!

Go here:
Watch the video for "Entrance of the Conflagration" and explore from there.

The new album is The Crusade, it's actually available for streaming on there as well - but I will say the real deal CD sound quality kicks much more ass.

I almost feel like I am spamming this friggin album I am talking about it so much! It's one of those that gets better with each listen. And if you listened to their previous albums, don't compare this album to those. He really doesn't do all that Nu screaming any more.

Let me know what you all think, old school perspective :)
Its not totally bad, but to me its not totally great.

Its just most metalheads wont take me seriously if they see me walking around with a trivium shirt on :lol:
Don't know sounds too trivial to me :D The vocalist tries to sound like Hetfield, is not bad but lacks a certain feeling, it's difficult to me to pinpoint the what. At least is not indecently mallcore, I guess is a band of youngsters trying to sound like the old masters, kind like The Darkness was doing regarding glam rock (but maybe I'm wrong in my judgement).
Trivium never was a hated band for me. Even on their last album, from what I heard I liked SOME of it. I remember watching a video of theirs last year on Headbangers Ball and I thought they had something good going until they started in with that stupid nu-metal shit and ruined the song.

I've been reading that this new one is much more old school and that intrigues me. I'm listening to the free party thing on AOL and it's sounding pretty damn good even highly compressed. It'll take a few listens to soak in, but it does sound promising from were I sit.
I definatly dig the new Trivium. A lot of Metallica and Maiden influence (and hell, I even hear bits of Exodus, Vio-lence, Dream Theater...), but definatly doesn't rip them off like most people seem to think. This is far more technical and melodic than Metallica (althought Metallica had better compositional skills), but definatly comes off as very good. These guys are only improving with experience, and eventually they're gonna put something out that no one will dispute...
Been looking to some clips on the Roadrunner site and they sound not bad at all . I think this new stuff is far superior to what they did before, much more classic based metal now. It's a good thing kids get into this music by Trivium. I am curious to hear the whole album.
Music wise, the new album is great, but Matt fucks it up with his vocals. I wouldn't mind the fact that he is trying to sound like Hetfield if he was good at it, but he sucks at it! When I was listening to a couple of the songs off of the album, it kinda sounds like his voice is breaking while singing, but when I heard that "yeeaahh yeeaahhh!!!" I just started busting out laughing.

In short, Matt Heafy is a poseur. If Trivium kept their new sound, and ditched Matt, and got a better singer, I would like them.
There is a good amount of respect and allowance on this board for taste I think....a good thing. And I won't break that tradition. But I will chime in here and say that the reason I personally don't like Trivium and, say, Mastadon, is because of the singing. BUT, they are both part of a movement right now that I would call "post nu-metal." This movement seems to be more rooted in "classic" aspects of metal....while still kinda being, well, nu. Again, it's the vocals, and strangely I "blame" the popularity of Rage Against the Machine as much as anyone for this. There is some aspect of the "nu-metal" singing that is kinda "rap." And I'm not talking about Limp Bizkit....I'm talking about Trivium etc. But the music is turning again, as I said above, back to the source if you will.
The irony is, I think, that everything is coming full circle. Pretty soon bands will just drop what's left of nu-metal that they are trying to hold on to, and we'll be right back where we started...with Maiden, Sabbath, etc. I know there are plenty of bands doing that kind of stuff....but it's popularity is on the rise.
The reason you won't find many Trivium fans here is not because the folks here aren't open-minded....it's because it's really, really hard to beat the blueprint that is the inspiration for such bands. Mark my words, in a couple of years there will be more bands like old-school Metallica and Maiden on the charts....the trend seems to be headed that way.
Speaking of that rap thing, that influence, it really started with Anthrax's I'm the Man (and then the thing they did with Public Enemy), and I think there are A LOT of metal heads that saw those songs as charming, but also a complete novelty. And those of us who saw it that way, still can't believe it birthed a whole sub genre that became "the thing" in heavy music for quite some time.
Anyway, folks are coming back to the real stuff...haha. Pardon my ramble, and I'm not picking on Trivium......
ElectricWiz said:
But I will chime in here and say that the reason I personally don't like Trivium and, say, Mastadon, is because of the singing.
This new one doesn't have any "nu-metal singing" in it, Wiz. None. It's mostly like Hetfield although at times he sounds like old Testament and sometimes he uses a nice clean voice. I believe you are right, the new popular trend in metal is slowly coming full circle, back to where it started.

I see Trivium as a good thing as they came into the scene as metalcore, snagged all the little kiddies attention and got them following along like sheep. Now, they are leading them back to good music with melody and...believe it or not....GUITAR SOLOS!!!
I am going to pick this up at Best Buy today or tomorrow. I've heard about half the songs and it is a huge step up for these guys. Before I didn't mind some of the music, but the vocals killed it for me. (I like harsh/death vocals, but don't like the barking that most of these metalcore bands are doing) They dropped the barking and the singer really does sound alot like Hetfield did in the mid-late 80's. These guys may be the next big band in America for metal.
They are getting no radio play around here as far as I know. (I don't listen to much radio) They are from Florida too.:Smug:
ElectricWiz said:
Speaking of that rap thing, that influence, it really started with Anthrax's I'm the Man (and then the thing they did with Public Enemy), and I think there are A LOT of metal heads that saw those songs as charming, but also a complete novelty.

I don't know. I do remember the "novelty" and was as :puke: as the bastardized offspring of it. I didn't like it and consider it improper of Anthrax even for a funny EP, sadly afterwards the band went the road we all know.

I got mad with Gillan rapping on some songs of the last Purple album and wasn't even LL, MC, ICe Cool type of rap.

I guess I have been square for a long time :D

Now as for Trivium the bottom line for me is not if they are good or bad, modern or retro is simply I don't care! I have tons of material from bands I do care in my wish list before hand.
SavaRon said:
I am going to pick this up at Best Buy today or tomorrow. I've heard about half the songs and it is a huge step up for these guys. Before I didn't mind some of the music, but the vocals killed it for me. (I like harsh/death vocals, but don't like the barking that most of these metalcore bands are doing) They dropped the barking and the singer really does sound alot like Hetfield did in the mid-late 80's. These guys may be the next big band in America for metal.
They are getting no radio play around here as far as I know. (I don't listen to much radio) They are from Florida too.:Smug:

Okay, after my own blathering speech, I did at least check out the Myspace stuff, and I gotta say, big improvment! Not bad, and I might even buy this. I had previously checked out there stuff and was very turned off by the vocals. I don't mind if he tries to sound like James, especially since James doesn't even try to anymore.:lol: Somebody might as well.....
bought the album today and feel that they made a definite improvement in changing direction( getting rid of the hardcore vocals). i always thought the music was pretty good but could never force myself to listen to ascendency as hardcore vocals were never my favorite style of aggressive vocals. screaming/shouting one or two words at a time for like 3-4 seconds apiece with no real dynamic shift lacks musical value imo. i was never bothered with the clean vocals like others were and i feel that they have improved on this album even though the hetfield style is pretty blatant not just in tone but in melodic form. matts clean/dirty vocals at times also sounds a bit like the newer sound bjorn strid utilizes when he reigns in the aggression. this sounds a lot like what metallica could have done after the black album if they still had some interest in pushing the thrash envelope( not that i think that trivium is doing this). not a bad band or album at all but i am bothered with the way they and shadows fall get labeled as the future of metal while other innovative yet equally accsessible acts get second billing.
IWP said:
Music wise, the new album is great, but Matt fucks it up with his vocals. I wouldn't mind the fact that he is trying to sound like Hetfield if he was good at it, but he sucks at it! When I was listening to a couple of the songs off of the album, it kinda sounds like his voice is breaking while singing, but when I heard that "yeeaahh yeeaahhh!!!" I just started busting out laughing.
That's pretty much my take on them. I dig the guitar work but find the vocals very weak...
I picked this up over the weekend and it's pretty good. Is it the best album I've ever heard? No. I like the direction they are going, but some of the choruses are kind of cheesy to my ears. The playing is good and the guy does sound like 'Justice' era Hetfield. I think Metallica should just get this guy to sing for them. :lol: James sounds so horrible now. It was worth the $7.99 for sure.