Ok here is the story


New Metal Member
Mar 4, 2005
For those that are wondering....

About 2 weeks into the tour roughly around Sauget il..
Adam came down with the flu and sore throat,he toughed it out until we hit
the house of blues in Cleveland where the staff were very concerned and took him to see a doc(very nice of them) from there it just started to run through the van, Tim went down next and after the Canadian shows
we had a day to rest, his fever was out of control and he began to cough very bad and get the phlem, we played the Poughkeepsie and Worcester
shows where Stu and i covered his vocal parts and by the time we hit BB kings in N.y. he couldnt talk,

despite this he played the Philly show at the troc and could hardly stand,
we played up till we hit Springfield va, where it hit me about 3 hrs before we were gonna play..
the promotor there was so concerned he took us into his family doc but we were too late they were closed....this guy then drove home 2 hours and got some penicillian for Tim and i belive Stu was just starting to fall as well.
my problem was i am alergic to the shit so i couldnt take it..

we played the show and i got progressivly worse...by the time we hit Atlanta
i was completely full of phlem and coughing up chunks and asked one of the roadies who were helping load in if someone could take me and Stu to the doc...within no time we had a ride and were off along with the bassist from Amorphis who was very sick as well,

we went to one clinic and they declined us because they said they couldnt take our medical coverage we had bought in Canada???
they assured us that the hospital would cover us..
so we drove and drove looking for the place finally an hour later we found it.
our poor guide didnt know where he was goin exactly and we were pressed for time...by the time we all seen the doc and got treated it was
8;30 and our set was for 10;00 just before i was gonna be released they brought in a advisor for the billing in the hospital....he told me it would be $290 up front for the visit..i declined and said no way i'm covered i bought insurance in Canada...he then said i should sign a paper and agree to a 12 month payment program i declined and he cut me off saying he really advises
me to sign this paper..i freaked and said no walked into the other room where Stu was and told him not to sign anything and we left...
but we still needed our Amorphis buddy who was in the room.

finally around 9;00 we got to a pharmacy where we got our medicine and by this time it was 9;45, then
on our way to the club our driver was kinda lost and by the time we rolled up it was 10;15 and we could hear the band playing, we were told that they had been playin for a bit and at that point there wasnt much to do but try and rest..
I have never missed a show in my life!! and if we could have gotten back earlier I would have played, I am however really greatful to the guy that drove us because lookin back getting to the doc was the smartest thing to do,
despite loosing 15 pounds in 5 days I am feeling better slowly
and i believe everyone else is much better as well,
so there ya have it...
thx alot for everyones concern for the band
see ya soon!

Rob :rock:
Wow, I can't believe you guys still played the NYC and Philly shows and performed very well. That sickness sure made the rounds, even I got sick shortly after those concerts.

If that's what you sound like when sick, I can't wait to hear you guys when you're all healthy! :rock:
wow, what a story.. good thing you didn't sign anything!
i'm glad you're getting better, but I hope you're gaining those 15 pounds back! It's not like you had a lot of extra pounds on you, like I do ;)
i hope you guys are getting better,,, any confirmation on the edmonton and calgary shows,,, my bro and i are planning on going to both

Fuck, you guys suck! Just kiddin'. I missed you by one day! Tampa was the next show. Fuck, Fuck ,Fuck! Oh well, Get better and I will see you soon with your current touring schedule! Get well, and get down here soon!!! I can't wait, since seeing you at PPV :rock:
get well man. you guys were amazing at BBkings.
glad you are getting rested. health comes first. many bands don't give a shit and push through and give a shitty show and hurt themselves. glad you guys are taking a rest :)
oh and Doctors suck over here.
they don't care about their patients most of the time and just want $
glad you got treated in the end.

seriously though, if you were 100% feeling awesome. i think my head would have exploded from the awesomeness of the show lol.
can't wait to see you all again :)
Prog Maiden said:
Wow, I can't believe you guys still played the NYC and Philly shows and performed very well. That sickness sure made the rounds, even I got sick shortly after those concerts.

If that's what you sound like when sick, I can't wait to hear you guys when you're all healthy! :rock:

Gotta agree with that!:worship: Unbelievable that you guys were able to continue at all, much less sound so powerful and energetic.

I got sick after the NY show too. Must of been something going around the half the country.:ill: