Ok. I FIXED my Hollowness! I think. 5150 Clip

Oh my god, SOOOOOOOOO much better - all you did was move the mic closer? I hate to think how far away it was before! :ill: Yeah, the hollowness is banished, and it's got a great upper mid grind (and the trailing off ending is pretty funny too :D). I don't think it needs more body, honestly, but the guitars are a bit too loud relative to the rest of the instruments, and I think if they were lowered that'd be perfect (though perhaps easing off the presence or highs to tame the upper mids slightly wouldn't be amiss, it's been awhile since I dialed in a 5150 so I can't remember the relative effects of the knobs - but as I said, perhaps just lowering the volume will take care of it! And the mic position sounds perfect too, not too fizzy nor cloudy!)
I must admit I didn't listen to your other clips, so judging this one on it's own, I'd say you could get some better results with further tweaking of the mic placement. Maybe a tiny nudge away from the centre and another tiny nudge closer into the cone. It's quite bright and brittle as it is.
I must admit I didn't listen to your other clips, so judging this one on it's own, I'd say you could get some better results with further tweaking of the mic placement. Maybe a tiny nudge away from the centre and another tiny nudge closer into the cone. It's quite bright and brittle as it is.

Thanks dude.

Relistening this morning it needs some body to it. Right now its about a inch from the grill. Im gonna move it in and maybe just a tad to the edge and see.

Yeah, if you're already at an inch away, be carefull not to go too far. In my recent experimentation I would say half an inch is the max that you would go in, unless you really did something wrong in dialing the amp.
this is awesome.

this forum is slowly drawing me away from engl's and into peaveys.

Not so much about the clip, but damn i got vibes from this one:

Edit: It should have been "Not so much about the clip in it self, but damn IT GAVE ME vibes from this one".. It wasn't a completely random post, but the chord progression was similar. ;)
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