Ok, I'm out of the loop... When will the DVD be on sale?


Jul 18, 2002
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Sorry, but I honestly have combed the forum a little bit but just still don't know when an idea of this DVD will be ready?

What's the word. Summer? Fall?

THanks for any info!!

GREAT JOB, by the way, Enchant. The cd's are more enjoyable to listen to after hearing them done so well in a concert setting.
Hey...I'm all over this forum, and I can tell you, without question, the live CD/DVD is coming out...................WHENEVER DOUG FINISHES THE FUCKING THING. Not that Henact is a tad impatient, 'cos he didn't make it to the gig but...........DOUG... FINISH THE FUCKING THING.....(no pressure dude)...
Hen Act said:
Hey...I'm all over this forum, and I can tell you, without question, the live CD/DVD is coming out...................WHENEVER DOUG FINISHES THE FUCKING THING. Not that Henact is a tad impatient, 'cos he didn't make it to the gig but...........DOUG... FINISH THE FUCKING THING.....(no pressure dude)...
Relax dude. Patience.
i'm itching here too-----i would guess sometime over the summer........maybeeeee july 17th??? June 23rd?, but thats just my uninformed guess out of the blue. I really dont know. But needless to say it will be in my hands whence it comes out .......whenever that be.........so.......anybody?........did someone say the band was working on new material ? --~Aaron
My understanding is the dvd is the first priority, and there's been no date set. It's going to depend on how much they want to do to it (ie, bonus material, re-tracking it...). I seem to recall them mentioning at the dinner that they'd like to start working on a new album this winter and it'd be released next year, but I can't remember for certain.
Hen Act said:
New album this winter--COOL!!


(I REALLY need to stop drinking so much coffee...)
I think it's affecting your reading. New album next year after starting work on it in the winter. DVD presumably before that.

np: Tad Morose - A Mended Rhyme