Ok its officiasl being awke at 4:30 am is unatural/Ozzfest here we come!

Hey everyone!
Vanessa and I are off to balmy (supposed to be 99 today)Dallas Texas
where they say everyting is bigger.If everything is bigger in Texas I am
llloking for a paycheck.
Tune into the station and listen for the contest and for nothing other
than just to amuse me go post at the forum.
Well while we rock out to Darkest Hour at 9:30 am (whoever came up with
this idea?Metal.......I mean Live Metal at 9:30 am,I mean cmon now)I
hope you are all deep in slumber dreaming of pornstars and bong hits.
Ok well this could be my list writings on earth you never know have you
seen those cornfed Texas girls in the beer line?
So if it be I love you Kelly,Cindy Your the best and good luck to all
of you finding my life savings and No one is even allowed to look at
Vanessa its love even from the grave dont fuck with love!
Ok last thing evertone I know Sunday nights are the nights when you and
your pals make bongs out of various fruit's and melons but listen to
The Rapture Sabbath at 9pm (cst) and made Daddy proud you little
Oh yeah one more thing again if I do die do not go down weak follow
your heart,stand up,push yourself,give more than expected and burn a
church for daddy!
Wes Jaques
Rapture Radio
1932 E. Lindsey St.
Apt #212
Norman, OK 73071