Ok this is how its done Underground bands!

Sent out to their fans by the band:
Lastly, as some of you know, The Green Evening Requiem gets regular
on Rapture Radio, the internet's leading metal station. This sunday
will be the second installment of The Rapture Sabbath, an hour-long
featuring unsigned bands, at 9PM Central, 10PM Eastern. The Green
Requiem will be included in this week's Sabbath, so please tune in, and
e-mail your rating of all the bands, including Green Evening, to Wes
Jacques, who runs the station. All you have to do is go to
www.raptureradio.net, and click "listen." Then, e-mail your ratings to
address given. There's no sign up involved if you don't want to, you
got to listen and vote! Thank you to everyone for supporting The Green
Evening Requiem...
