OK, new song and mix of my band

Been working on this song for a while, had a load of old riffs from other songs that weren't really working, so I took them out and put em in this (along with some new parts). Unfortunately my MOTU 896HD is fucked right now, so I can't really mic up guitars/reamp at the moment, so the guitars are PodXT. If anyone wants any info on the record just ask :loco:

New Song

Any ways to improve the mix would be appreciated. I think the cymbals are a bit high, and the bass isn't quite right in the mix either (I blame having to pitch shift a guitar).

EDIT: Another (perhaps better) song. Mix isn't as good IMO and also the playing is a little sloppy. Bloodsport
Dam this shit sounds awsome to me:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

I got my speakers cranked up and i think that always helps:kickass:

Good job though yea deatails are always fun i like to read about recordings!
Erm, not sure how much detail you are after, but here goes. Drums are DFHS with a few samples blended in. For a change, I bounced off the drums with the bleed pre mixed in (as opposed to having a track with the hits and another track with that mic's bleed). As far as plugin's go, it was mostly Sonalksis SV-315MKII and SV-517MKII's cropping up, as well as some URS and waves stuff. Guitars were tracked 4 times, 2 each side with the same patch. I dunno what else to add really, anything in particular you want to know?
yea was time did you record and whats your favorite color :p

J.k. no thats cool i just like to read what people use and stuff to get there sounds. But again good job sounds nice:headbang: