OK, now that Wanda and the gals are back - Star Trek Nemesis?

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
Who went to see this, and did you like it? Kindly avoid spoilers please for those who still might want to see it...

I saw it tonight (thus avoiding the long line for The Two Towers), and I liked it. But then I'm often easy to please. I think the ending may have something to do with why a lot of people seem to dislike it.

I'll see TTT soon (within the next week), as soon as the lines shrink a bit.
I still haven't seen this movie. I also haven't seen the first Lord of the Rings.
Saw it... it was good

Saw Two Towers... it was great....
The lines were not bad... probably because I was at a theater with assigned seating... be prepared for a VERY LONG MOVIE...
my showing was at 11pm... and the credits rolled at 2:20am... didn't feel that long... but having to get up at 5:30am after going to bed at 3:30am, doesn't feel very good right now...
Actually, I'm hearing some pretty bad things about Nemesis. It really hasn't generated much buzz. I mean, crap, it came in second to an overhyped JHo "Pretty Woman" rip off.

The franchise has been milked dry, and Berman and Bragga have killed the cow.
Originally posted by Melisan
Actually, I'm hearing some pretty bad things about Nemesis. It really hasn't generated much buzz. I mean, crap, it came in second to an overhyped JHo "Pretty Woman" rip off.

The franchise has been milked dry, and Berman and Bragga have killed the cow.

ST2:WOK and ST6:TUC are still my favorites!

I liked this one, and it had a lot of cool stuff in it, but it doesn't hold a candle to ST6 in my book.

Saw The Two Towers tonight. That Massive program they use for the CG generated armies is waaaaay too cool! And a great movie all around too!
Originally posted by Melisan
Actually, I'm hearing some pretty bad things about Nemesis. It really hasn't generated much buzz. I mean, crap, it came in second to an overhyped JHo "Pretty Woman" rip off.

The franchise has been milked dry, and Berman and Bragga have killed the cow.

Speaking of being milked dry, is anyone getting in to Enterprise? I've been working on the Trek shows since DS9 and I'm having a really hard time maintaining interest through these Enterprise episodes. Just can't seem to get into any of the characters or the plots of each episode. Really feel like I'm working in a sausage factory (no offence to persons actually employed by Farmer John and/or Jimmy Dean, of course). Am I missing something?

.....I am in the Trek BB, right??? Hmmm, can't find a smiley with pointy ears, damn.
I saw Star Trek Nemesis, not their best film, but a must see for Trek fans like me.

I was lucky enough to see an advanced screening of The Two Towers on Monday night hosted by the New Zealand consulate. A great film but even more unfaithful to the book then the Fellowship of the Ring. Even one of the two towers isn't the same tower as in the book.
I think any Star Trek TV show or Film without a sexy borg chick is a bad idea.... think about it...

Sexy chicks just out of a comic book....I love that look and it sells...those borg flicks always do well....

As for ENTERPRISE...that Vulcan chick does nothing for me. She can't hold a candle to SEVEN-OF-NINE who is a goddess incarnate.
Originally posted by Bruce Chickinson
I think any Star Trek TV show or Film without a sexy borg chick is a bad idea.... think about it...

Oh my god. We were in Vegas at the Quark's Bar and a group of 6 or so of us had just consumed a couple rounds of those giant shell things filled with some sort of smoking liquids and feeling quite playful. As we were leaving to go explore the rest of casino I came across this incredibly beautiful creature standing in the bar. Now, I am not a big Star Trek person (*ducks to avoid hurled bottles and rotten fruit being thrown*) so I do not know who this character was, but he was extremely tall and dressed in all black, black boots, the works, and had very long, black hair. I managed to reach over and give his hair a playful tug as I walked by and only then did I realize it was a woman! :eek: Hmmmm. What can I say?

Is this who you are talking about Jen?
Originally posted by Bruce Chickinson
I think any Star Trek TV show or Film without a sexy borg chick is a bad idea.... think about it...

Sexy chicks just out of a comic book....I love that look and it sells...those borg flicks always do well....

As for ENTERPRISE...that Vulcan chick does nothing for me. She can't hold a candle to SEVEN-OF-NINE who is a goddess incarnate.

I agree. Who exactly thought that using a Vulcan, who's personalities are not much above a rock to begin with, as the resident sex-goddess was a good idea? Sad part is she's really much more attractive in person without the makeup and that silly wig they've got on her. Hope we don't have to wait 5 and a half more years before they figure out how to turn her character into something interesting. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by CT
I agree. Who exactly thought that using a Vulcan, who's personalities are not much above a rock to begin with, as the resident sex-goddess was a good idea? Sad part is she's really much more attractive in person without the makeup and that silly wig they've got on her. Hope we don't have to wait 5 and a half more years before they figure out how to turn her character into something interesting. :rolleyes:

They've gone nuts with T'Pol. Even she said it in one mag, they've whored her out to practically every male character on the show. I predict HLA between her and Hoshi for a sweeps month.

That's probably because the actress is a little more adventurous than Jeri Ryan, who was married and a mother when she joined the show. Jolene has a wild past by her own admission, and have you seen some of her latest photo shoots?

Personally I'm a little turned off by the fact that she is so ripped and muscular. She looks like Linda Hamilton in T2. She needs to gain about 10 pounds of body fat to soften up a little.


Personally, I thought Leeta and Ezri Dax from DS9 were the cutest. I can't wait for the DS9 DVD box sets. Season one comes next month.
Originally posted by Bruce Chickinson
I think any Star Trek TV show or Film without a sexy borg chick is a bad idea.... think about it...

Sexy chicks just out of a comic book....I love that look and it sells...those borg flicks always do well....

As for ENTERPRISE...that Vulcan chick does nothing for me. She can't hold a candle to SEVEN-OF-NINE who is a goddess incarnate.

7 of 9...even her boobs are Borg. Talk about a bad boob job. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by smylex
7 of 9...even her boobs are Borg. Talk about a bad boob job. :rolleyes:

You do realize that Borg suit was padded to all hell? She's done a few cheesecake shoots and doesn't have anywhere near the hips and ass that suit hinted at.

Plus, remember the episode with Q Jr., when he popped her out of her uniform? We saw her naked back and she was all skin and bones.

I never saw much appeal in her, didn't think she was all that pretty and felt they did nothing to advance her character. She never did adopt a human name. But seeing her bare back killed any remaining appeal. I don't like to feel bones on a girl, much less see them.
[HOMER] Hmmmmm.....Jeri Ryan..[/HOMER]

I am actaully much more of a Star Wars fan, (to the extreme really, but we wont go there!) but have always enjoyed most of the Trek flicks and shows. TNG was the best in my opinion since it is the only DVD collection I would consider buying.

Nothing like a sexy Borged chick! They are powered up and ready to go!
