Ok, seriously - who the hell does Mesa think they are?

I bought my TriAxis/2:90 rig about 4 years ago, thinking it was going to be the end-all-be-all amp I'd ever want after hearing it on so many recordings (DT "Awake"/Metallica S-T/Nevermore "Dreaming Neon Black" pretty much sold it to me). Yeah, that combo alone was almost $3k, with no negotiating...I was told they did "Pro Rate Pricing" and believe me, I did as much research possible to see if anyone else in the U.S. had it posted anywhere for cheaper and found nothing so I couldn't bargain. Then, I'm like "come on, I'm spending $3k in your store...kick me a Mesa shirt, some strings or some fuckin cables or something" and they are like "Sorry, we aren't really making anything off this sale so we can't do anything for you. In fact, we actually lose money carrying Mesa and we only really sell it to draw people in to buy other stuff". Fucking pathetic mindset, if you ask me. I havn't really bought much else from there...I don't care if they get the hookup from the Gibson acoustic factory, or if Larry DiMarzio lives in town and hooks them up with a wall of shit...I'd rather order from MF anymore.
I don't know man. I think 5150's get more work in the studio than Mesa's these days. Now, there are definitely more records done with the Mesa cabs than any other I can think of though.
I put my Marshall through my buddy's Mesa cab, had my mind blown, and sold my Marshall cab for a Mesa. I've never put a head through the Rectifier cab and gotten a sound I couldn't work with for hard rock.

Around here, if you have a Mesa anything people take you seriously. Kinda like a drummer with a DW kit... doesn't mean squat cause they could be horrible musicians (or studios) but since they have a Mesa... haha
Yeah, great cabs for recording. I'll never take one of those heavy-ass fuckers on the road again though, haha.
i hear ya on the business end but they sure as hell do nothing except put out quality products and are basically the worlds biggest "custom shop"

their customer service IMO is unparalleled they only have a handful of people and you can ask for their chief techs on the phone and ask questions. i have several mesa amps and when i've needed something they have been more than helpful. i bought a mark iv used from some guy in ohio and i had him ship directly to mesa where they did some upgrades to it and checked it and did a bunch of maintenance and only charged me for shipping and a box. so i don't know.
I don't mind companies that keep there stuff at a higher map price point and use less retail outlets and long as it means consisitent high quality parts, construction , warranties, ..

Mesa has a killer 5 year warranty and they actually call you personally to get feedback on your new purchase and you can stil call up there shop and speak to the top techs...

To me mesa is the highest quality non boutique big amp builder...
I bought a dual Recto back in 95 and hated it. I sold it, got a 2:Ninety and shortly after a Triaxis. There's too much other cool stuff out there that's good and cheaper. Unless you're talking Diezel or Roadking or something but at that price point money is hardly an issue. Shit like 5150's and even the Marshall DSL's and stuff are fine if you know how to work them I guess. Mesa is largely a brand image you're paying for these days.
Finland has some fun Mesa prices:

Triple Recto - 2500 EUR (3884 USD)
Dual Recto - 2490 EUR (3870 USD) (yes, the dual and triple are the same price! Makes no sense...)
Roadking - 3600 EUR (5600 USD)
Roadster - 2900 EUR (4500 USD)
Triaxis - 2555 EUR (3970 USD)
4x12" Recto Std - 1290 EUR (2000 USD)
Finland has some fun Mesa prices:

Triple Recto - 2500 EUR (3884 USD)
Dual Recto - 2490 EUR (3870 USD) (yes, the dual and triple are the same price! Makes no sense...)
Roadking - 3600 EUR (5600 USD)
Roadster - 2900 EUR (4500 USD)
Triaxis - 2555 EUR (3970 USD)
4x12" Recto Std - 1290 EUR (2000 USD)

Some of those are even more expensive in France...
Wow.... That is insane. I mean, their amps sounds great and I'd love a Triple Rect but jesus that would definately be a business expense and not be coming out my own pocket. I wonder how much the amps are going for now with the price hike around here in Canada.
As far as Mesa amps go,here in the UK you can't get a rectifier for under £1100, and that's just the single channel 50 watt. I'd love to try Mesa amps but can't justify the prices. Have even thought about hire, but you're looking at £200 a week.

Seems like the most highly rated cabs on here are Mesa or Engl, both of which you can't get for under £800.

I'm sticking with Poidaboi's Engl impulses and dreams of 100,000 sales for now...:lol:

Thank fuck for Ultimate Metal man.
Finland has some fun Mesa prices:

Triple Recto - 2500 EUR (3884 USD)
Dual Recto - 2490 EUR (3870 USD) (yes, the dual and triple are the same price! Makes no sense...)
Roadking - 3600 EUR (5600 USD)
Roadster - 2900 EUR (4500 USD)
Triaxis - 2555 EUR (3970 USD)
4x12" Recto Std - 1290 EUR (2000 USD)

I paid 2200€ or something like that when I bought my Triple Recto. And yes, it was brand, I was the first one to take it out of the box since it left the factory.
I personally am not concerned about their high prices because I would never buy one new. In my local store, I've seen Dual Recto heads go for £1800 new, which is extremely unattractive considering the Framus Cobra head actually costs less, and has a nicer tone overall IMO. If the Recto sound is your thing, then generally the recommendation is to look for a two-channel Dual Recto. I've heard from various sources that the 1995 Dual Rectos are the nicest sounding, but never played a 1995 one to qualify that. Failing that, the Trem-O-Verb combos are extremely nice sounding.
Thats fucked up. Is orange shit as expensive over seas as it is here?

They're a bit (a little bit) more reasonable compared to Mesa:

Thunderverb 200H - 2111 EUR (3300 USD)
Thunderverb 50H - 1888 EUR (2950 USD)
Rockerverb 100H - 1938 EUR (3000 USD)
Rockerverb 50H - 1739 EUR (2720 USD)

PPC 4x12" HP - 1090 EUR (1700 USD)
PPC 4x12" - 990 EUR (1550 USD)

I paid 2200€ or something like that when I bought my Triple Recto. And yes, it was brand, I was the first one to take it out of the box since it left the factory.

Of course you can get a sale if you're good at bargaining :) But I think it's most sensible to state list prices, so it's easier to compare.
which is extremely unattractive considering the Framus Cobra head actually costs less, and has a nicer tone overall IMO.

Uggghh, I really really do not like the Cobra - I've had many opportunities to play it, and I feel it's one of the fizziest/buzziest amps I've ever heard. Rectos can be buzzy, but with so much more balls and mids IMO.