OK!! the old forum board is gone, I have made a newie...so drop on in

It's gettin there Mags, it's getting there...

Three posts isn't a bad thing... ha ha. :D

I'll be along as soon as there's a few more people happening...
Its all for ya....
JUST KEEP UP THE CHAT, U DON'T HAVE TO REGISTER or anything, with details..

1.I wasn't talking to him either
2.Whenever you're posting anything at a public forum,that means it's up to everyone else to judge it and comment on it.If you don't like criticism,then simply don't post in public.
sure thing dragonlord, you weren't talking to him, yet everything everyone posts is to be commented on by everyone else. nice contradiction...m.t. is giving options for the people that were using the other board...
Dragon Lord>>>I think your like that unregistered guy from the "Chuck Billy" thread. You take shit to heart dude. Ill tell you like i told him,,,,,YOur in a mood dude! Take a BIG FAT SHIT and youll feel better. Sheesh! ANd dont tell me what to do,,,,HAHAHAHAHA! Really man, lighten up, a person cant even JOKE around here.
Let them rant and spleen their hate...


dragonlord, keep to the music, your good at that. Don't be a the next laddie, who claimed he knew everything from tampoons to moshpits.
I think Trapped has the meaning here.haha
You ppl are good at arguing, fightin, bulshitting each other, swearing at ech other and throwing at each other curses like:
"May CoF move next to you and make all your plants die"(a guy... cursed silkie like that on the AD forum),:lol: :lol:
The good thing is that deep down inside you love the guys and the ladies you are attacking.
Pure christianity "Love your enemy".
:tickled: :loco:
Yup,Trapped's got it;)
It's just a bit of old flame war,don't get so serious and just enjoy it...and anyway it was simply the truth,MT isn't the most polite person here,and it was a great contradiction.Ledmag,this WAS a joke.I thought this sudden kindness was funny,and I said it.Sit back,relax,take a big fat shit maybe,and just enjoy the ride.
I'd just like to comment on how much i am pissed off with that unregistered dude in the Chuck Billy thread... :mad:

I hope that he gets caught dealing crack, winds up in jail, rooms with a gay-prostitute and gets CAINED up the ass thirty four times a day for twelve years. AND THEN SOME...!!

...so how bought that local sports teah eh??