OK, who on earth were these guys:

This forum was better before a whole bunch of morons came here in anticipation of the new album and after its release (not to say that EVERYONE who has come since is an idiot, but a good number of em).

Before we didn't have a whole bunch of fake elitists with inflated and unearned egos shitting on newbies with honest questions. A lot of the old posters seem to have left since then, and its a shame that it was morons that drove them out with their retarded opinions (and the inability to express them).

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Omerta said:
I've understood them all, I'm not the one cleary struggling with the language. this place pisses me off, I came here thinking it was a good place to post - I was clearly wrong, I'm off! bye!

yup,this forum disappoint me much
I just found out this board not long although I have fallen in love with katatonia since Tonight's Decision.
Other boards in Ultimatemetal.com are great especially Dark Tranquillity's one... but what I see here is bullshit and fake...
it's SAD that katatonia board being like this... a place to piss me off..
what the fake elitism.
good term
Rainy Filth said:
yup,this forum disappoint me much
... a place to piss me off..
What's your point you all opposers? Forum is the place of exchanging opinions.. Having the opposite one is not an offense. If you can't stand some ppl may have other than yours, then... pfffff ...just go away. that's fake elitism...
yv said:
What's your point you all opposers? Forum is the place of exchanging opinions.. Having the opposite one is not an offense. If you can't stand some ppl may have other than yours, then... pfffff ...just go away. that's fake elitism...

There's a slight difference between having a solid opinion and "being an asshole whenever one likes". This is not the way to go in a place which is meant for discussion.
You don't want to help this guy out? Well, just ignore the thread.
my dying groom said:
You don't want to help this guy out? Well, just ignore the thread.
i am far from aiming at it.. so farewell to this thread!

[and i ignore your hinting i'm an asshole.. that's the same kind of duplicity you're accusing me of]
yv said:
i am far from aiming at it.. so farewell to this thread!

[and i ignore your hinting i'm an asshole.. that's the same kind of duplicity you're accusing me of]

It seems you missed the quotation marks. I quoted Dispossession, nothing more, nothing less.
my dying groom said:
It seems you missed the quotation marks. I quoted Dispossession, nothing more, nothing less.

But you did it refering to my post, in some context... and @dispossessed words was taken out of context [somewhat].. Ask him about his standpoint... Nevertheless, I'm pretty sure he'll tell you I'm an asshole indeed hehe ;)..

Seems I can't ignore at last, mea culpa stupid I am, 'cause I like clear situations. We can continue in private if you have any remarks, so as you cannot make an idiot of me in public, you smooth operator ;)

[eh ..I hope you sense I'm not trying to offend you? sometimes it feels like persecution complex..]
Oh, no hard feelings from me...
I only think this thread went a bit out of hand. Ah well, let's stop this and save some energy for things of real importance. :)

NP: The Haunted - TH Made Me Do It
yv said:
What's your point you all opposers? Forum is the place of exchanging opinions.. Having the opposite one is not an offense. If you can't stand some ppl may have other than yours, then... pfffff ...just go away. that's fake elitism...

Exchanging opinions? Ha! Yeah right. It's more like exchanging insults.
OracleDeist said:
Who would have known you poeple were so sensitive last time I checked we were metalheads. I lost respect for those who got offended in this metal forum claiming to be metalheads.

Umm, are you saying metalheads are not allowed to be offended? Most metalheads I know are very sensitive, at least on specific subjects. You mention one word about religion around them, and they go off on rants. You mention anything about nu-metal, and they go off on a BIGGER rant. That's sensitive.