There's about 3... If you include me.
"Wentelteefje", actually, and they only call it that in the Netherlands. Here we call them, "Gewonnen brood" ("won bread") because you make them out of stale bread that you'd normally throw away.ventelteefje
That's why you wouldn't look at me when we made love!!!
Murlocs FTW!
"Wentelteefje", actually, and they only call it that in the Netherlands. Here we call them, "Gewonnen brood" ("won bread") because you make them out of stale bread that you'd normally throw away.
Except me.
Welkom op het Nevermore forum, landgenoot, het is hier veel minder homofiel dan op CoBOT.
En de groeten van uw bovenbuurvrouw!:Smokin: