okay, is starbucks REALLY bad, or do people just think it's evil?


Aug 2, 2002
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like, sometimes i hear my friends be like STARBUCKS PAYS THEIR EMPLOYEES SHIT! but wait, so does everyplace else! including the wonderful strand books!
but seriously. my receptionists daughter has worked there for 5 years and she makes 29,000$!
are they evil? or is that some weird leftist urban legend?
it's an urban legend. Yes, they are the poster-child for gentrification, but they do give their employees benefits and pay them well. they also engage in local community charities and sell some shade-grown/fair trade coffee.

I prefer Peet's taste-wise, but Starbucks is nowhere near as evil as some people would like to think. there's so many of them b/c the economy supports them. Whose fault is that?
i'm seriously going to tell my friend off about this. he's all STARBUCKS IS SATAN! and yea, maybe it's a chain store but is it true that ALL franchises are inherently evil? where does this leave future business?
i'm sure starbucks and fucked over some workers, has done some bad thing to someone somewhere, but i mean, is it worse than dunkin donuts? i can't tell?
ok i hereby challenge ALL people who say starbucks is bad to GIVE ME PROOF.
i remember once i was told that on 9/11 some guy ran into a starbucks near the attacks to get bottled water and was charged like $150 bucks or whatever for like 100 bottles of water or something, i.e. to show starbucks as being heartless.

a. i am not even sure if this is true or just an urban legend.

b. Even if this was true i wouldn't use it as an example of starbucks as an evil corporation but just an example of stupidity on the part of the employee.
it's true greg but it's just some dumb starbucks manager. HOWEVER you can say that starbucks puts the fear of God into their managers, but...nevertheless, starbucks is no worse than most other corporations, i'm sure. people who hate it generally hate its cultural signifiers, which is lame.
i worked at starbucks for one day (quit to get better paying job) and they made me read a ton of material on cleaning floors and brewing coffee... i also had to sign like ten confidentiality agreements saying i wouldnt reveal any of their recipes or anything. i guess they dont want people to figure out that their $5 frappacinos are 80% ice and 20% syrupy pre-mix.
i am drinking an ICE COFFEE EW EW EW EW i hate coffee. but i am a zombie. and it was from starbucks. and it was expensive. HOWEVER, this has a happy ending b/c i grabbed one of those chocolate covered graham crackers as a surprise for my receptionist and she said they are her favorite snack ever in the whole entire world.

anyway, people always diss places. like, when i was in high school, i worked at Kmart. everyone ragged on it. but i made $1 more an hour than any of my friends that their seemingly 'cooler' jobs at coffee/ice cream places. also, they gave me a $5,000 scholarship, made me a manager, and paid for me to take classes on automotive repair.