OKAY NOW SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO: paragon of beauty - comfort me, infinity


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008
welcome to part 1 of "OKAY NOW SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO"

this is one of the worst albums i own that is actually really, really good

the vocals are objectively awful (but subjectively great), the production sucks (especially the drum sound) and also it has lyrics like this:

Every night I open my poetic window-book
Retired upon subdued lime trees
Pondering over me and you to fail again
Untimely sympathy for shallow layers
It puzzles temptress, starry-eyed
Will o' the wisp, exiled jester-daffodil
I am an elegiac herdsman lost
within a woodpecker's stanza

and i don't even care because as over-the-top as it is in its melodramaticism it actually comes across as sincere, well-written, and genuinely emotional sometimes

exhibit a:

when this gets going you'd best WATCH OUT
heard it a thousand times, the "and i still FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL" part still gets me every time

exhibit b:

no i have never heard katatonia why do you ask

exhibit c:

ridiculous lyrics but i gotta love the guy for it, because it's what he does. the "chorus" rules.

so if you're not averse to pinkage, come on now, try it out, won't you listen
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Well, I think it would sound worse if they fixed what is "wrong". You gotta have something atonal or dissonant or whatever to bring out the beauty.
Can't say I love it at first listen but the guitar tone is quite good.
this actually sounds a lot like Autumnblaze's first album. Pretty sure they have members in common.

they do

the previous ep had something quite different, a REALLY REALLY good song where they borrow heavily from "dance of december souls" and "for funerals to come" instead of "discouraged ones"/"tonight's decision"

i mean listen to this

has lyrics like "who dared to kiss a jester's hand / while he raped my drunken violin" fyi
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Couldn't get through Exhibit's A & B, completed C (surprisingly). Conclusion, this is Awful.

I patiently await round 2 of ""OKAY NOW SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO"