okay okay finally KAYO DOT LIVE IN PROVIDENCE photos!


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
We were a bit late to the venue (AS-220) in Providence, but upon arriving, were totally delighted to find that Rhode Island still allows indoor smoking at bars! So we hung out for a little while in the cafe area and I had a few $3 Blue Moons and generally socialized. Greg came over to show off his BANDS OF STEEL:


and then DJ came by to show off his Atkins tattoo:


aaand then we basically chilled out through the three other bands--the band guys went and did an interview for awhile, but I kind of didn't leave my table seat at all, which is too bad, because I heard some interesting stuff, and according to Sam FalseTodd's conceptual drawing, the singer of one of the bands looked like a kindly lumberjack. I didn't even manage to get a pic of Time of Orchids because Sam and I were embroiled in a drawing contest set up by Ryan: he'd mandated that Sam draw "a squirrel throwing a football" and that I draw "a cat being fucked by a donkey" (gee, thanks Ryan). Needless to say, when the judging occurred, Sam won, and I got scolded for drawing my cat-fucking donkey on the portfolio of an artist whose work was hanging on the walls of the space. Whatever, seriously, his introductory essay talked about the need to "return to pure European roots, uncontaminated by mongrel cultures, in order to celebrate our White culture" or something equally creepy. Not quite as creepy as the kid who stole my seat to moon over Mia, but close. Nick Kyte was hanging out too, and we talked about some musical stuff for awhile, and he said he liked playing guitar a lot but sometimes kind of missed bass, you know? I knew.

anyway sooo the zero hour draws near and Ryan is still nowhere to be found. Kayo Dot had ot be off the stage by 1 and it was already like 12:30, so they decided Nick would have to step in on bass (watch what you wish for!). But at the last moment Ryan rushed in from outside and took the stage, and the show was on.




essentially the whole band had their backs to the audience the entire show! I think it probably helps musically since you have eight people trying to stay together, but you should wear t-shirts with images on the BACKS or something.

poor Nick had to stand off the stage, on the right. he wasn't in Nick trance mode quite as much as usual:


KD played Marathon, and then Manifold. They were kind of rushing by the end in order to finish by 1, but the second half of Manifold was fantastic.








after the show, we went to Antonio's and got pizza (I got a slice of chicken parm pizza and a slice of potato and cheddar pizza, ate the crusts off, and then left the rest on the floor of Toby's car until Sam scrounged for it and ate it a couple of hours later) and then went to Forbes' house to hang out. we watched some cartoons and played with the digital camera and this is the only remaining Mia upskirt picture:


and then drove back to Boston. Halfway back we had to make a pit stop for Ryan:



and finally I got home around 4:30. whee!
oh, yeah, also, the crowd was pretty big! Greg's parents even showed up, which was cute. i would estimate there were at least fifty people there until the very end, and well over than that at the show over the course of the night.
Depends on who's asking Toby... as for that nah I am definitely not. Though I might consider it to catch a KD gig. I should be visiting a buddy I go to school with here this summer in Boston so maybe then.
