OL Myspace Page


O.la K.ala
Oct 8, 2003
So, who's webmastering and taking care of the official OL myspace page? It really needs to be revived at some point, something that i hope is in the near band's plans, now that a new release in on it's way. OL deserves the best and for sure a page equal to the talent and unique musical character of the band.
It is Kobi who takes care of this as far as I know. I have done it myself for some time and can tell you it is a lot of work, so have some sympathy and patience. I think for now the focus of the band is in the studio...
But you are right to say that communication on the web is important. Thats why Im still looking for people to help with the fanpage...
Oh i see...i thought someone else was taking care of the page...for sure Kobi has no time for it, working on the new album and all. Well...you know me...always getting exited and rushing things up...:) Well i'm always here if my help is needed, specially with myspace stuff and all, since i've worked a lot into it lately.
hehehehe- good to know!
And EVERYONE is impatient concerning the waiting for the new album. You don't want to know how many emails I got from Orphaned family around the world asking about it in the past years. So I can only imagine the number of mails the band is receiving on the topic.
I'm sure of it. The fans waited for a long time like "music orphans" and everyone is for sure impatient as rightly you metioned. It's good to know that the OL fans are such united under one sky. OL deserve the best and for sure you make that happen.:)