Ola Englund Mix, Tell me what you think...


Jun 24, 2011
Hi, I started this mix tonight. It is my first mix with someone elses DIs (Thanks to Ola Englund, They kick ass)

Normally i try to mix my own stuff but all of my other mixes suck so i thought id try someone elses to find the root of the problem, although i did just get an emg 85 so il start recording again soon as before i was recording with shitty stock pick ups :err:

Anyway this is my best mix so far (My guitars normally sound too distorted and fizzy)

What do you guys think so far?

I will tweak some more tomorrow,

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when I release this song on the coming album, no one wont be buying the album cause they're sick and tired of it. I probably have to redo it completely. :D

Anyway sounds pretty good man, sounds like the guitars need an extra boost before the amp(sim?) just to make it more alive and kicking.
Shit sorry man, i should have thought about this. Its just that i knew that i could trust these DIs and was looking for some heavy chugging riffage!

Thanks for the help though, this is a problem i think i always have. How should i go about boosting the guitars, turn the input up on the ampsim (TSE X50) or crank the tubescreamer a bit more?
