Just wanna know what you think about this.


Feb 15, 2011
Froggy France!
I think the guitars are pretty aggressives. I like this 'RRRrrr' character but I tend to think it's a bit too much fizzy… Maybe something to warm the shit a little bit could help.


Guitars (2 tracks) are Engl Savage 120 > Harley Benton V30 > single SM57 > Presonus Eureka > Digi 003+
Processing: Kramer MPX tape sim > EQ > C4 on the guitar buss

Bass DI is Kramer MPX > Ampeg SVX > EQ > SSL Comp > Maxim limiter
Bass disto is Engl Savage 120 > EQ
Both in buss with SSL Comp
+ stereo buss with Air Chorus (send)

No other processing except Maxim limiter for the volume.

That's the first time I use the Savage for the bass and I don't like the noisy mids (I need to try again) I did that once with a shitty Peavey Ultra+ in a shitty 4x12 Peavey cab without any hope but the result was very good actually! I'll try to use TS808 today and repost.

Any comments/advices are WARMLY welcomed!!

BTW thanks to Ola Englund for the DI's! Man, this song kicks ass :rock:

EDIT: posted the mix here http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/...ds/713294-mix-master-olas-opinion-wanted.html
Don't you think the guitars are too fizzy? As I said, I like this type of sound but i'm not very confident about my mix and I'm afraid this gonna be too 'sssss'... I did some corrections (attenuated high end and I warmed them at about 1khz) I'm fighting a lot to obtain something less aggressive at the source (?)

Apart from that, I think the drums/guitars thing is coherent.
Yeah, the guitars do sound a bit fizzy. I think it's just because Engl's and SM57's tend to have a someone fizzy sound to them. Not much you can do. They sound alright though.