CHECK OUT THIS MIX! I just wanna hear what you think.

Jun 22, 2009
St. Pete, Florida

Band's name is Coralise, they're a local band around here.
I liked working with them a lot, and they're the only band who i actually went out to their EP release show. :P

Hows the mix sounding overall?

and if anyone wants their whole EP;

Anything you think i should have approached differently with their mix?
Anything i should have Eq'd but didn't?
Compressor/Limiter advice?
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Surprised no one has commented on this yet but this sounds great to me. What did you use for the snare? Chain? really like it! Nice work!
Mix is pretty good haha, now I'm far worse at mixing and at the moment I'm listening to this with a headphone but it's kind of a wall of sound, the guitars, a bit chaotic. The rhythm and lead-ish (melody) are like "inside" each other, dunno, it's a bit muddy I guess. But for the rest it's cool. :)
Surprised no one has commented on this yet but this sounds great to me. What did you use for the snare? Chain? really like it! Nice work!

Thanks man! And yeah, Oroinvictus guessed it ;P 12a! blended some real snare and a tiny bit of Superior.

Mix is pretty good haha, now I'm far worse at mixing and at the moment I'm listening to this with a headphone but it's kind of a wall of sound, the guitars, a bit chaotic. The rhythm and lead-ish (melody) are like "inside" each other, dunno, it's a bit muddy I guess. But for the rest it's cool. :)

I can tell you right now that it's snare 12A. Mix as a whole sounds good, but the guitars don't sound as wide as they should to me, and everything sounds pretty muffled and muddy, especially the guitars.

Any ideas about getting the guitars less muddy?

and just curious for anyone, what are methods of giving the guitars a really thick/chunky attack?
or just that more chunky djenty feel in general.
Any ideas about getting the guitars less muddy?

and just curious for anyone, what are methods of giving the guitars a really thick/chunky attack?
or just that more chunky djenty feel in general.

I would give the guitars a boost in the high-end to help with the muffle, and a small reduction in low-end, scoop out some mids and compress them a bit if you wanted a more 'djenty'-style tone.
^yeah slate samples it is indeed

I also agree on the overall muddyness.
Also a lot of clipping going on! ~0:30 for example