Old Black Metal Interviews Wanted - Need Help!

Jan 14, 2007
Fort Collins, CO
I'm looking for as many old interviews with black metal bands as I can find. I'm entertaining the notion of compiling them all (if legal restrictions don't interfere) into some sort of *gasp* book. We'll see...

Regardless, if any of you have scans/electronic copies of old black metal interviews, send 'em my way! I'm especially looking for interviews with Scandinavian/Polish/French bands from 89-97, or even before then if you've got 'em. You know the ones: terrible grammar, references to Satan and being true to the black metal cult and obscure, possibly mythological ocult texts. Desperately needed are:

Emperor (I dug up one GREAT one with Mortiis from 92 or 93)
Gorgoroth (one from '94 or '95 or earlier would be great!)
Satyricon (there's one that I've seen but can't find again from around 94, just after Dark Medieval Times came out)
Graveland (only pre-Creed of Iron is real!)
Hellhammer (do interviews w/this band exist?)
any others you've got/have stumbled upon that you think are worthy

Thanks in advance for any and all help.
go to Bathory.se
Quorthon (I think it was him) basically wrote this endless narrative of the band's story, influences, and pretty much everything anyone would ever be interviewed on. Except it looks like he died before he finished it. Or something like that...
Actually, I've got a ton right now already, some great ones with Euronymous, Dead, and Varg. I'll see if I can't upload 'em somewhere and post the link for everybody. Only black metal historian (sic) is real.
I remember an interview with someone from Darkthrone. It was like "Do you talk to any other black metal bands" Yeah, the Gorgoroth guy and I are going to this Dimmu borgirs guy wedding" or something like that. It was epic.
That's it!
Fenris: yeah man, ummm, tomorrow the bass player of gorgoroth is coming to my place, and then we're going to go to the wedding of this guy from dimmu borgir…
Necuratul: AWESOME!!! Much needed and much appreciated.
Black Blood: Equally AWESOME!!!

Man, I tell ya: they sure don't make 'em like they used to. *HaggardBastard heaves a nostalgic sigh*

Also, if anybody knows anything about copyrights and how they work for stuff like 'zine interviews, post away. I think I'll call it Black Metal: 198?-1997.

Oh, and FUCK metalcore.
I like bands like Integrity and Agnostic Front, Converge, the Cro-Mags, stuff like that, and only then every once in a while. However, I can't and won't get into shit like Bleeding Through, Eighteen Visions, Avenged Sevenfold, or whoever else is wearing eyeliner with white bullet belts and whispy, black haircuts; you know: purveyors of the almighty chug-down, which is an abomination in and of itself. I'm sorry, and I mean no offense, but if I have to look hard to find merits in a subgenre, I don't see the point. Granted, I'm not necessarily up to speed on metalcore and who's making waves and who's not, but for everything I do know about it, it doesn't deserve to the prefix of metal that's in its tag.

If you care to try to point me in the right direction, feel free to do so.
Metalcore thread; posts by me and OI. Now we stop shitting this thread up with metalcore (which, mind you, can rule a lot) and talk about BM interviews.