Old Man's Child - their best album?

Hammer of Might

New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2003
London, England
I just downlaoded the track "Black Seeds on Virgin Soil" from OMC's new album, 'In Defiance of Existence.'

I really liked it, and I was wondering which album is their best, so that I know which one to get first.

I'm NOT asking you whether you personally like them or not, I simply want to know what you think is their best work so far.

Ill Natured Spiritual Invasion would have to be my favorite although In Defiance of Existence is awesome,as its one of my favorite albums of this year. :kickass:
The other albums are great but I only enjoyed a few tracks off of them.
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High On Maiden said:
I just downlaoded the track "Black Seeds on Virgin Soil" from OMC's new album, 'In Defiance of Existence.'

I really liked it, and I was wondering which album is their best, so that I know which one to get first.

I'm NOT asking you whether you personally like them or not, I simply want to know what you think is their best work so far.


Like OMC??
You must at least own these three:

Ill-Natured Spiritual Invasion
Revelation 666
In Defiance of Existence

If you have four 10's in your auto, I feel sorry for anyone who is in traffic
with you! They will be punished