Old Man's Child


Oct 4, 2003
Plano, TX
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i just got their new album the other day, and i must say, it is absolutely sick. guess its called Vermin, but its a very solid album throughout. all killer no filler :headbang: also, bolt thrower's new album is pretty sick too, but its not officially released till nov....


I didnt hear it, but all I recall is that their work is so brilliant, espicially galder.
I heard a snippet and was looking forward to getting it, didnt know it was out already, thanks for letting me know
Noble Viking said:
I got revelation 666 the other day and was very dissapointed. I've heard some clips on the net before and thought threy were awesome, but man, was I dissapointed with that cd...

Hmmm I really like that album alot. I was more dissapointed with In Defiance of Existence but yeah go buy it, Vermin is amazing.Old Man's Child was the first metal band I got into, and will always be my favorite band.