OMG !!!!! A Mexican Alien =O

Well I can't say that I myself have seen a UFO or experienced anything unusual but there have been many abduction cases and sightings in the city I am from (Kelowna, BC, Canada, search it and you'll find tons of UFO information). My brother once saw three lights in the sky circling each other in an abnormal way. Of course he was drunk, so who the fuck knows.
Decent site about a sighting over my hometown.

That one fuckin freaked people out. Tens of thousands saw it ("The Black V" was pretty hard to miss due to the sheer size and low altitude).

Was later discredited my the military as military test flares... which by coincidence stayed in perfect formation as they passes over nearly 3 states. No explaination given about the completely obvious object the lights were attatched to (about 3.2 km - almost 2 miles wide).

It spent a while at low altitude right over the city here. A shitload of people saw it and a ton of videos were shot but I can't find any good ones.

One of many pictures:

The Bringer said:
You know, if the US government and any affiliated programs actually let go all the information and secrets they held the world would be a completely different place.

Yea.... they're full of shit. That's easier to see than that massive fuckin UFO.
-Demonium- said:

1. I love the music. Without the slow motion, you actually can't see the UFO in the 2nd part. When the woman says "It's over there!"

2. Unreal. It looks so nice and smooth. I'd love to touch it. I really like how it just zips away suddenly. Looks incredible.

3. Nothing special. The object seems to change shape throughout the clip.