OMG BL1R....official "blir" thread!

BloodyScalpel said:
^What boards are you a mod of, rudi?

And yeah, what you both said.

I'm not telling ye.


Lanterns said:
But then DO behave like the mature bearded man you strive to be.
I don't have to prove anything to anyone. I just act like myself. If I feel like joking off, I'll certainly will. I'm not an ice cold shell of a businessman holding folders and stock papers under my arm.
edit:and I don't 'strive' to be anything. I just carry on.
Alright: Somewhat immature, though NOT dumb, young guy with a Jesus beard then.;) So here's to us being okay and there NOT being a 20-page (f)lame war. Mmmmkay?:kickass: