Omg! Blood Red Throne!


-scented manbeef-
May 9, 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
I just listened to that shitty hammerheart 44kbps 1:30 clip of Unleashed Hell from BRT's new album........


I WANT TCHORTS BABIES!!!! I'm SOOO getting their logo tattooed all over me. Blood Red Throne SHREDDDDDDDD!!!!
Originally posted by SymbolicDeath666
What is their new album called and who can i compare it to? i'd like to check em out.

It's called "Affialted With The Suffering", and they play good old death metal like Morbid Angel, old Deicide and Suffication...
Well, as i've said before, Monument of Death is one of my all time fave death metal

*imagines himself orgasming uncontrollably while listening to AWTS for the first time*
They have a digipack out now with 2 bonus tracks... One of the tracks is a Obituary song...

Ulvedal :
It's me "causeofdeath" of the omc forum... just if you didn't know..
Did you like OMC - IDOE or BRT - AWTS better ?
Originally posted by Papa Josh
I just sold my copy of Monument Of death about a month ago. I found it to be very derivative, blatant plagiarisms all over the place. Tchort should stick to Green Carnation.

Where/what are all the plagiarisms? And yes, of course it's derivative, it's old school death. I thought that much would be obvious to anyone.
Originally posted by BTK

Ulvedal :
It's me "causeofdeath" of the omc forum... just if you didn't know..
Did you like OMC - IDOE or BRT - AWTS better ?

Hey, I didn´t know :D Whats up mate?

Wow, thats a tough one you ask for there... Too tough Im affraid... It´s two different styles, but I really, really dig both albums... Blood Red Throne is truly one of the best deathmetalbands in the old veins out there, but on the other hand... Old Man´s Child is one of the best Blackmetalbands... Hehehe... I really dont know how to pick a favorite of these two favored bands of mine... In our metalmagazine I rated them both 6/6.. Those are the two first 6-ratings I have ever made!!! (I didn´t review Nile though)...
Originally posted by ~UlvedaL~
Hey, I didn´t know :D Whats up mate?

Wow, thats a tough one you ask for there... Too tough Im affraid... It´s two different styles, but I really, really dig both albums... Blood Red Throne is truly one of the best deathmetalbands in the old veins out there, but on the other hand... Old Man´s Child is one of the best Blackmetalbands... Hehehe... I really dont know how to pick a favorite of these two favored bands of mine... In our metalmagazine I rated them both 6/6.. Those are the two first 6-ratings I have ever made!!! (I didn´t review Nile though)...

cool... I usally go by "causeofdeath"..but I lost the password for my old acount ;)
I have to agree...both two are awsome albums..

What metalmagazine do you write for ?? And does it have a web address ?
Our metalmagazine is not online... It´s a danish metalmagazine; actually the biggest (in Denmark) together with Metalized... I have done interviews with Blood Red Throne, Old Mans Child, Aurora Borealis, Infernal and Revenge for next issue...

Well, I just bought Monument of Death, and it's pretty good... I like Affiliated with Suffering better.

I can hear influences, but I don't hear blatant plagarism... At least nothing like Vomitory's Malevolent Creation rip off... (which I still like anyways :p ).