Omg new song.

I just realized, with as many clips as you've put up around here, and you still only have 186 posts. I guess you only post whenever you have a new clip? ;) :)

I swear, I need to just keep a text file that I can copy/paste from that says "wow dude...great job! Get off your butt and release a CD of your stuff" so I don't have to type it every time you post a clip. :D lol
The single coil trick worked well! Brings the brighter tones out in that guitar, makes it sound great in the mix. Great song!
Wow... those guitar tones sound amazing man!! Well done..

Please give us some tips on how to get it sounding like this! Your signal chain would be cool to see :headbang:

Is it all just revalver, or is there some external effects?
Thanks for the replies!

The_Unrest: Tack som fan! haha..

grywolf627: haha, that's a great compliment man, thanks!

spioraid: Yeah I think so too, to my own surprise :) Maybe I wont think so tomorrow.. probably not haha..

Zombietakeover: Ah well... I'm not very happy with my mixes myself.. It's just like the first 2 days I'm satisfied, then I don't like them anymore. So posting stuff here and getting peoples opinions is really great I think.. Not just from a "sound" perspective, but also music wise. Clips with vocals will be up sometime, cant say when though :)

The Crystal King: It's all just revalver.. I've actually quit using my TS9 with Revalver.. I think the BassBox stomp does the job just as well :)
Well I don't know what to say really..
My chain on this one is just Ibanez RG7620(stock pickups) - M-audio fast track pro - revulver
My chain on this one is just Ibanez RG7620(stock pickups) - M-audio fast track pro - revulver

It's nice that it works, but the instrument input on the M-audio is only 220K ohms, which means your not getting a full guitar signal into the computer. 1M ohm is the least you should have.

On the other hand, fuck it, it sounds really good anyway. :kickass:
The Crystal King: It's all just revalver.. I've actually quit using my TS9 with Revalver.. I think the BassBox stomp does the job just as well :)
Well I don't know what to say really..
My chain on this one is just Ibanez RG7620(stock pickups) - M-audio fast track pro - revulver

Thanks man..

I would like to see your exact settings within revalver, maybe like a screenshot? To see the complete "virtual" signal chain.. :headbang:
Oh I forgot to post the screenshot.. anyway here it is

TheDude: Hm, I had no idea about that. I just wanted to be able to have ONE unit to plugin my guitar to and just go and that's what ppl told me this thing would work for, but it seems like you always need a bunch of additional crap heh.

The_Shred: The Warp VST is a pretty "old" amp modeler plugin for guitar. But it works much better for bass haha :)

Genius Gone Insane: thanks! ah yes, a real amp.. Maybe I'll just buy a POD instead... :D