Metal / trance fusion

I like this. Good job on the production. This really inspires me when I work on my music knowing that great results can be achieved in just a little project studio. This music is just what I like. I'm working on a demo right now with a friend and we play a similar style. Ours has more industrial EBM synths instead of trance. I guess you could say ours is darker and yours is more uptempo.
This song is truly great and your band is obviously very talented,
hope you win the metal camp thing but I am going to have to offer
a dissenting voice on the production.
I think there is an issue during the mastering stage, you have used
a final stage limiter so aggressively that I think that you have actually
damaged the song a little. The Limiter has just crushed the loud sections
and as a result produced in-distinctness in the sound. I am of the view that
you should back off on the Limiter and let a little more of the natrual dynamics
come through.
Wow! This is a bit different. Not sure what to think about it on a 1st listen. Honestly trance gets on my nerves but you managed to make it kinda cool.

Think I'll throw in Last Rights now.
Metal Man , don´t take this the wrong way but for me it´s a no-go..i don´t like it! i hated those synths. Then again opinions are like assholes...
This has nothing to do with trance, not even a bit, i guess i was hopping for another thing