Rushed mix - Demo


Mar 9, 2009

Recorded this demo on Saturday. The band are going to a studio that they've used before to do the final cut of the track, but I'm still trying to make it sound somewhat decent.

Drums: Kit was an off the shelf Orange County kit, although the rack tom was from a DDrum kit. Kick & snare replaced. Toms are natural. Skins were old and battered to hell. Cymbals were Zidjian A Custom Hats and Crash with a Zildjian Sweet ride.

Bass: Squier Precision bass. Ampeg SVT450 into an Ampeg 4x10 mic'd with an MD421. DI'd with a Countryman Type 85 and split into a Sansamp RBI. Used the RBI & DI for the clean bass tones and the Ampeg & DI for the dirt. The dirt was provided by a Turbo Rat.

Guitar: Gibson SG Classic into a Peavey 6505 with a Marshall 1960A cab. Mic'd with a transformerless SM57 and an MD421.

We recorded this in a sitting room/spare bedroom and I've only worked on the mix for about an hour or two.

Any comments/suggestions would be good! Thanks
He said he's had a lot of trouble with that guitar. It's an SG Classic tuned down to C. Not sure if he's using light strings or what, but he was constantly tuning.

Thanks man, I'll have a look at the snare for the other track I'm doing for them :)