omz dimmu show last night

well i will be going to see that show in worcester on dec 12 or whatever so that's cool even though i don't like dimmu or hypocrisy.

but last night sam and i went to see the devin townshend band and ran into kleo and his fiance.

it was ok. devin really had some technical problems and the power kept going out at the palladium and the vocals were mixed WAY too high and completely dry so it kind of lessened the severely effected sound that popularizes his albums.

also he played all mid tempo stuff for the most part and the energy level at the club was so minimal that you could feel the drain.

but he played his ass off despite it all. good for him but defintiely not the best i have seen him. last year at progpower he had a better set and better sound by a longshot it was really amazing.

however, he still was funny and charismatic though and made the delays due to tech problems a lot more enjoyable than other bands who have experienced them.

for anyone who cares this was his set for the most part:

ocean machine, storm, earth day, life, truth, depth charge(i think) and some weird instrumental that mixed parts from his different songs i think and ended up with the last couple minutes of Deep Peace from Terria.

All That Remains opened and while they have never been my favorite band, i have enjoyed them alot over the years but they have a new guitar player now who definitely is not as good as their old one and also i am left wondering why phil always manages to lose his shirt at some point in the set. weird.

anyhoo, concert report done.
Demonspell said:
When I saw Devin two days ago, he played Regulator following Truth, and his band was also plagued with sound problems...they were onstage for at least fifteen minutes before the setup was functional. Assholes.
then i was listing regulator as depth charge because i am an idiot who only owns terria. :)
i like "Life" too.

i mean like sam has said before, i think the appeal of devin is not that he is re-creating the book on composition but that he writes these songs that have real honesty which people can get behind.

the bottom line is that most fans of devin are the kind of people who would like pop music if it wasn't giving off an image of being fake or machine created. i mean these are the people who love meoldies and songs that they can relate too without getting into avant garde weirdness and everything.

So they see a guy like Devin who everyone can relate too and who is honest in his approach and everyone loves his "pop" songs. i really do like his stuff alot but live it just didn't translate as well as progpower where he had a proper sound check and a great venue to play.

but i liked that as much of a perfectionist as he is, he still was chipper and in a good mood despite the tech setbacks. to me that spoke volumes about him and made me appreciate him more. he could have been an axl rose and just stop playing because it wasn't perfect but he fucking kept going and gave it 100%(even if his voice was not 100%) and that was cool.

its just too bad his set was kind of boring.
yeah i really agree.
there's real passion and honesty in his music that makes it seem fresh and exciting.
I don't absolutely love "Accelerated Evolution", but it is a good cd overall, "Storm" is a great power ballad type song.
I listened to Devy too much over the years, I am very tired of his signature sound. Of course, by this admission, it should be evident that I think he's a great musician and songwriter due to my long standing admiration for his material. Infinity is very overrated though. I think it's dull.

When I saw Dimmu Borgir in '99, they were ok but not nearly as good as they are on cd. The goofy between song talking was lame, and I thought it was hilarious how their corpse paint streaked with sweat. I don't think bands should wear corpse paint live.

The headliner, on the other hand, was awesome. They were Samael, and they played one of the best sets I have seen live, without corpse paint and goofy between song banter!
I saw Dimmu and sat down to snuggle a lot. Oh and I saw 2/3 bands from Worcester next day in New Jersey w/o the audio/power issues and they were both much better.