On this sad day 22 years ago....March 19 1982

Officer Friendly

Mar 9, 2004
March 19, 1982: in the early hours, guitarist Randy Rhoads is killed in Leesburg, Florida when the plane he's riding in buzzes Osbourne's tour bus and crashes into a house. Randy Rhoads was 25 years old.


I was at the Hollywood Guitar Center Rockwalk ceremony yesterday and took over 60 pics. I just changed ISP's so I have to get their FTP settings before I can post pics. Anyway, it was a pretty cool event. Saw Ozzy, Sharon, Zakk, Rudy , Lemmy , and Yngwie "unleash the fookin fury" Malmstein".
I was gonna gonna go to the gravesite ceremony today in San Bernardino , but I'm a little "Randy'd" out today. I hear alot of Randy's Japanese fans are flying to be at his grave today to pay their respects to Ms. Rhoads, and delivery a guitar flower display thing.
hiddenlegions said:
I was at the Hollywood Guitar Center Rockwalk ceremony yesterday and took over 60 pics. I just changed ISP's so I have to get their FTP settings before I can post pics. Anyway, it was a pretty cool event. Saw Ozzy, Sharon, Zakk, Rudy , Lemmy , and Yngwie "unleash the fookin fury" Malmstein".

it'd be great to see those pics dude.
How did Ozzy look after that big 'ol accident?
Was Lemmy and Zakk drinkin there?
Was Yngwie eating donuts?

I read online the star misspelled Randy's last name? was that on the star
Indeed a very sad day. He truly was a virtuoso. How sad that someone who's star shone so brightly could be extinguished like one blows off the candle..
He died at such a young age.... its heartbreaking.

I will spend my day listening to eveyrthing I've from the Violet Foxx to Quite Riot, to Ozzy Osbourne.

I guess my old isp is still letting me FTP photos , so fuck em', hahah , I'm putting this on their webspace.
Here's a few , different sizes and quality, sorry if they're too big, I made them smaller already, but whatever. Here you'll see Ozzy, Sharon, Zakk, Rudy Sarzo, Yngwie, Lemmy, Randy's mom, Randy's Newphew (who was really cool). That's him in the photo w/ his girlfriend.

Officer, Ozzy seemed just like his old frail self, he seemed fine. I didn't see Zakk drinking, but I'm sure he was. ha ! I hardly recognized Ynwgie cause he's really overweight. Maybe a little too much "fury" on those In-N-Out burgers while he's been in Cali.
I had a good day at the event. Lots of old-school metal-heads, and they were playing Ozzy's music over the PA the whole day.




Huge loss indeed. Randy Rhoads was/is/always will be, a huge influence on my playing, from the very first time I heard him ( yes it was in Ozzy, to be sure). His approach to songwriting/arranging is second to none. The guy was a true innovator to me, and that's just one area of influence he has had in my music, and life. Incredible musician, teacher, and human being ( form what it sounds like). Long Live Randy Rhoads!!!:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Am I the only one who notices what happens to rock stars when they
hit 50? They are so clean and tidy. Ozzy's hair is freshly colored and trimmed
and he's got the fancy suit and Sarzo is the same way...FUCK...even Lemmy
colored his hair and his beard and he's really clean and tidy. I never thought
I'd see Lemmy clean and upper crust and respectable. Good Lord.

The only dirty fucker there is my man Zakk.

Hidden, You rock dude for posting those pics.

1000 \m/'s for you Hidden.
Thanks for the pics Hidden. Nice turnout.

I was a teenager in high scool when he died and it was devasting then but the loss and wondering what he would have done with his playing always bugs me. I always wonder where he'd be, what he'd accomplished, or what crazy guitar design he'd have come up with...I think he could have made a giant impact in the guitar world whether he'd stayed playing metal or not. One of a kind. Style, tone, presence.

OT: I liked Vals other avatar...must be me. :)
No problem guys, glad you enjoyed, I have another 58 more pics, but I don't have a website anymore. Anyway........... Hemi, yes! I think about that all the time, Randy would have been the greatest if he had lived, he was so talented , and till this day inspires so many, and I'm sure if he had ever had the chance to record and create other forms of music (which he would have done classical music) it would have been great. Such a shame.
Gotta love Randy Rhoads era Ozzy. Some of my all time favorites...Mr. Crowly, You Can't Kill Rock N Roll, etc. I once heard Randy was the only band-mate Ozzy ever let co-write the music with him.