On what drink do you imbibe this moment?


Brain Bubbled
Jun 2, 2004
Since a lot of the neverboard fancy themselves drinkers and connoisseurs of the alcoholic nature, I figured a "What are you drinking" thread would be a good idea to put into practice.

So I'll start it off by repeating a post in another thread.


I drank some Hobgoblin yesterday. The restaurant a block away has it! As well as 2 dozen other obscure beers... I drank McEwan's as well... THAT is an interesting beer... not to say it's great, but it's definitely interesting.

Hobgoblin however, is absolutely outstanding.


Wasser. If I feel better tomorrow (Heat makes me physically ill) I'll have this:

Allagash Curieux

In October of 2004, we released the first beer in our series of Barrel Aged beers, Allagash Curieux. To make the Curieux (French for "curious"), we age our Tripel Ale in Jim Beam barrels for 8 weeks in our cellar. During the aging process in bourbon barrels, the beer is totally transformed, and many new flavors and aromas develop. Most notably, the beer picks up soft coconut and vanilla characteristics...and also a hint of bourbon flavor!

Paid $16 for that bitch. It better make my penis dance.
i'm currently drinking a sierra nevada southern hemisphere harvest fresh hop ale. it's average...like everything else sierra nevada makes. meh.

i did have an eel river organic porter earlier this evening that i did fancy though, smokey malty and delicious.
Last night I drank both Sleeman's Cream Ale and Sleeman's No. 20 (20th anniversary brew).
Mountain Dew up in this bitch. Did some boozin' last night, more than I have been for the last few months. I think I'll be good on the alcohol for a few days.

And Tyler, it's lingering around 90 degrees and sunny here right now. SOOO beautiful!

Just looked it up... 88 degrees.
