one for the krank....

Oh man! Talk about a nostalgic feeling!!!!! Fockin great tune from an awesome game!!! :D I like the tone, although I find it just a tiny bit thin, but I don't care, I love this song :D
sound great the only thing that i would change is the presence for one more higher.

What s your mix setup??? mics??
Love it dude! To reiterate what I said in the PM, the drums (especially kick and snare) are stupendous, and while I really dig the guitars, I feel they could do with a touch more mids (not as much as I initially thought though, cuz a fairly scooped sound fits this song, but still, I want more than are here currently :D And they definitely DON'T need more presence IMO!) Also, the bass is a bit muddy, could use a cut at ~200 Hz. Overall it's tits though!
Oh, and I hear some really cool master bus pumping/distortion; might be a tad excessive on the distortion, but it's really aggressive; what all did you use on the 2-bus? Oh yeah, and one thing I keep forgetting to mention is I'm not a fan of the slapback-sounding delay on the octave guitars; to me, I think you should make the delay time twice as long (still synced to tempo) and just bring the mix of the delay way up if you still want it pushed really back in the mix (as this one currently is).
Hell yeah :Smokedev: This is a very good tone, man! I love this amp.

I have recognized, that my Ibanez Jem with DiMarzio pick ups works wonderfull with this amp. I had lots of problems with some other (Ibanez build- in) passive pick-ups.

I really like what I hear, dude :)
This is an awesome tone man! It has a nice growl to it definitely. The playing is great too.

I remember this song and it's bringing back a lot of memories! :lol:
which seymour duncans were these?

loving the tone, just spot on!

this is the original composer

EDIT: i don't mean to criticise at all, but the only thing i can hear not quite right is that the palm mutes need to be picked harder, they sound a little weak

cool, will have to look out for some of his other stuff! i dont think i attacked the palm mutes as hard as i should have actually now youve mentioned it! the pup was a SD Duncan Distortion. always loved it!