one of the huge disappointments of my youth, AKA want to see some creepy shit?


Nov 9, 2001
hehe another disappointing thiing is that I took Mia to this place because I really, REALLy wanted to show her the creepy MAJESTIC MINSTRELS
but that entire room was closed for god knows what kind of renovation!! :(:(:(
There is a Burger King in our inconspicuous central connecticut smalltown that is ostensibly shaped like a castle. The inside is decorated as you see in the photo above - replete with murals of peasant women hoeing castle courtyard gardens which happen to be growing a fine crop of burgers and fries.

Attached is an arcade, also decorated like the castle interior, with a back room (also castle) with a red velevet curtained stage and a throne in the corner (for birthday boys).

Every once in a while, or upon dispensation of a quarter, the curtains open and 3 animatronic monkeys dressed like courtyard minstrels perform such classic hits as "Rawhide" and "Happy Birthday".
The important thing to note is that unlike Chuck E Cheese, this is the only one of these in existence.

So Alex and I, see, we grew up thinking all Burger Kings were like this, and whenever we'd go out of town, we'd beg to go to Burger King, and would always be like, wtf is the arcade and shit??
I remeber the one in meriden... they used to have this real deep ball pit type thing that I almost drowned in when I was 5. does that place still exist? and how do I get there.