online collaboration - Because


Oct 30, 2008
hey guys!

so me and a friend of mine made a cover for Because by The Beatles

which can be found here:

liked it? you better...

anyway, the idea is simple: anyone who desires can add a vocal track of his own and send it to me, forming a huge vox track count!

- audio only can be found:
- project is 100 BPM
- one track per person, don't be a hog!
- you don't have to stick to the original version! you can track lead vocals, backing, harmonies, whatever!
- one thing, though, don't change the lyrics! or it won't sound good together...
- no bad notes! only i'm allowed to sing bad...
- kidding i just don't like auto-tune


seriously? not ONE sneapster???

what's wrong with you guys? that's like the simplest collab ever!
took me about 10 minutes to tracks vox for this one! 2 takes! and that's just because i turned up the input gain on the second one!

am i the only one who think creating a song where one vocalist is from israel, the other from, i dunno... spain?
another from germany and so on... is so fucking awesome????

seriously! a couple of years ago this would have been considered magic!
ok i found the problem

i got lazy at the mastering stage and simply went Ozone 4 with a preset.
result is, that is sounds good on my monitors but bad anywhere else...

anyone cares to do a quick mastering on this one? really just get it through your regular chain you don't need to fiddle with it...
just to get the noise out and make it sound normal MIX.wav

that's the link to the final (as of yet) mix, master channel, of course, is untouched.