Online Lessons for Linux Users?


New Metal Member
Mar 21, 2007
Hi Chris.

I was wondering if you provide online lessons for Linux users. The problem is that there is no AIM support for Linux but there are a lot of open programs for it (and windows) which also provide video chat and so on.
I'm thinking about taking lessons (just have to calculate if i can afford it, being a student makes me kinda poor :P ), because university takes up so much time and i want that time to be as much efficient as possible.

BTW: Are you using that 10-52+70 gauge for Bb Tuning or B? B would be like :OMG: to me ^^

install the latest ubuntu + the latest vmware + windows in vmware. Forward the USB port your webcam is on to the installed windows version, install webcam drivers on the virtual windows, install AIM, test, and you are good to go. That is what i did for video chatting on linux!

good luck
That's no alternative for me. I don't own a windows copy and i don't plan on buying one just for video chatting and i don't plan on buying VMWare (that's by far to expensive)
If it does not work without windows it won't work for me.
That's no alternative for me. I don't own a windows copy and i don't plan on buying one just for video chatting and i don't plan on buying VMWare (that's by far to expensive)
If it does not work without windows it won't work for me.
there is a free version of vmware, vmware home edition or something like that. I use that one.
You can try Wine, if your webcam already works natively under linux for both its microphone and video camera. If it does, install wine, configure it nicely (make sure it uses alsa in wineconfig), and install AIM, probably the newer ones won't work (try AIM 5.9). Make sure it is the windows version you are installing!
good luck
Hi Chris.

I was wondering if you provide online lessons for Linux users. The problem is that there is no AIM support for Linux but there are a lot of open programs for it (and windows) which also provide video chat and so on.
I'm thinking about taking lessons (just have to calculate if i can afford it, being a student makes me kinda poor :P ), because university takes up so much time and i want that time to be as much efficient as possible.

BTW: Are you using that 10-52+70 gauge for Bb Tuning or B? B would be like :OMG: to me ^^

Hey Bjorn,

there may be a way but you would need a IM that works on both Linux and XP and that may work. Yes I use those gauges for Bb most of the time and Standard some of the time.

Hey Chris,
thanks for the answer. I just installed openwengo ( It's somekind of open skype that works on every common platform (windows, mac, linux). Everything works fine, video (just a little dark but thats my cam, i just need more light in here), audio (need to get a cable to directly input my guitar signal).
Thanks a lot for considering a solution for us linux heads ^^
