Hey guys, I'm new here. Thought this would be a good place to let the world metal community know about my services as a vocal teacher \m/ if anyone is interested in lessons or free videos - I do lessons over Skype for cheap and post lots of tutorials on YouTube presenting concepts that are applicable to any sub genre, style, variation, etc.
I can teach false cord, fry, and combinations of the two.
Professional Singing / Screaming Teacher - Metal Vocal Lessons (via Skype)
How-To Scream: Professional Finesse, Secrets, & Voice Science
My name is Brandon Kennedy. I'm a 20 year old singing / screaming teacher from Vancouver, BC, Canada that has a passion for helping students safely progress to the extreme limits of the human voice, whilst achieving their unique goals of style, finesse, pitch, and etc. In order to never damage your vocal cords, you must 'scream' with proper technique. To grasp critical fundamental concepts, I find it is best to think of 'screaming' as 'singing', as it is truly an applied singing technique that can be as effortless and harmless as classical singing.
I teach a wide variety of techniques, but the most popular ones in demand for modern metal scenes are variations and combinations of false cord and fry.
I offer private lessons personally in Vancouver, and over Skype for students that live in different parts of the world. I also create in-depth online tutorials that I post on my YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/brandonkennedybmx.
I have broken down the fundamental concepts that build up a complete vocal technique in my new professional level how-to scream series. These concepts are applicable to any extreme vocal style or technique - from basic 'rock voice' to death metal, hardcore, black metal, deathcore, punk, thrash, nu metal, metalcore, etc.
You can check out the intro video / table of contents of the tutorial here
Techniques I can safely do myself:
- Classical singing
- False cord screaming (basics)
- False cord singing (finesse / mastery) - combination of false cord & power fry
- Fry (basics)
- Power Fry (finesse)
- Tuvan Throat Singing (Khoomei, Kargyraa, and another distorted variation)
- Rock voice (overtone / ‘grit’

Please message me to schedule or ask about a lesson! All price and 'free lesson bundle' info is at the bottom, and I can provide more information upon request. I also give extensive service to all my students for free

Vocal Theory:
I respect all vocal techniques and realize that every variation can be mastered. My belief is that a proper basis of classical breathing is translatable throughout the diverse extents of the human vocal mechanism. This applies to every subgenre / style of extreme metal vocals. On the matter of teaching, I have been told by many people that I can explain complex concepts that are usually difficult to explain in ways that are simple and easy to understand. My methods include using physics to describe the vocal mechanism with detailed elaboration, visual analogies, personal demonstration, and physiological awareness-triggering exercises. I am completely comfortable and capable of teaching anything from the basics to complexities of nearly any vocal technique a student desires to learn - be it singing, screaming, or something in between.
If you have dreams of becoming a renowned professional vocalist, the passion to be the best you possibly can, and the determination to drive you to your goals... You have an unfathomable amount of hard work ahead of you, but with a fulfilling payoff. If you truly believe in yourself, you can accomplish anything within human limits. It sounds corny but its true. Never forget it.
Amongst all other attributes, you must have great patience, an open mind to learn, and the ability to think deeply into your mind and physiological awareness of your body to correct your techniques. Seeking the immaculate truths of the human vocal mechanism at its greatest extents is a beyond-extensive learning process. (I am now personally turning to voice science to clarify concepts and repeal misinformation).
Myself / Education:
I have been 'screaming' for over 3 years and have never lost my voice because of it (even in the times of practicing 5+ hours a day for days on end). I perceive 'screaming' to be merely a 'singing' technique - with more variables factored into the physics equation (equilibrium of your body and vocal mechanism). Even this understanding of connection allows for better relaxation, posture, and proper breathing / compression (for example).
Besides being a music student since childhood, I have also undergone classical voice training in university and attended a vocal science seminar taught by registered speech-language pathologist Shelagh Davies -- you can check out the details of the course here, it's awesome and interesting. (http://www.shelaghdavies.com/workshops/soundvoice.html).
Most of what I teach has come from my own intuition, but concepts applied from classical singing / my instructors are a large part of my knowledge basis and protocol.
The voice science and finesse of metal vocals at the extreme limits of the human voice has always amazed me. Unlike the public stereotype, there are connections to be seen between metal and classical breathing techniques - I apply what I have learned of proper technique from my music school's classical voice program directly to my 'screaming' techniques.
With the help of being classically trained and the knowledge that comes with it, I have mastered my own passion in vocals: 'false cord singing'. False cord is generally perceived as 'screaming' (though it isn't the only type of screaming technique) but false cord singing is the finesse that of which is greatly influenced by a basis of classical breathing, combines with 'fry' vocal techniques, and does not injure the [true] vocal folds.
Tutorial Credentials:
I have made multiple tutorials for screaming techniques that have been posted on my Youtube channel - they are top rated, first in their category of search, and have accommodated over 125,000 views to date. Most have focused on false cord so far, but I am getting more diverse with techniques, and as I have said, the concepts I cover can be applied to all subgenres of metal vocal techniques.
Keep in mind, my original tutorial videos were released by phase (beginner, intermediate, and now professional, etc.) and each was created while I myself was in each specific developmental mindset so I could successfully convey the concepts to others in those similar mental states. (ie. I made the beginner tutorial when I had only just learned the basics, intermediate months later after advancing a bit, and I have just begun the professional level video series recently, after being classically trained & mastering my techniques). Therefore the information I gave in my earlier tutorials was less informed and clarified; everything I produce now is revised to a professional standard.
My channel is http://www.youtube.com/brandonkennedybmx, or you can search 'how to false chord scream' to see my top rated videos. If you are interested, please view the comments as well for reference to the response I get from online viewer 'students' (even though Skype is 1-on-1 and more efficient for teaching - we focus on what YOU want to learn, not general topics for everyone). I also have a Skype lesson preview video in production to show their legitimacy, how they work, what kind of instruction is given, etc. as well as a student testimonial as to the quality of the lessons!
How-To Scream: Professional Finesse & Secrets:
The professional level tutorial series I am currently expanding on YouTube is my most creditable reference to my knowledge of proper singing. It is jam-packed with information, concepts, analogies, and demonstrations that are translatable to all vocal techniques, and of course it sets a basis of proper classical breathing and finesse. In the future, I plan to create a full-scale DVD production of this series funded by Kickstarter -- How-To Scream: Professional Finesse & Secrets. It will cover many concepts and even include a professional voice science research study.
Here is the official page of the movement. You can find more detailed info as well as the table of contents for the production: http://www.facebook.com/pages/How-T...-Secrets-Kickstarter-Movement/119680781521423
Prices & Free Lesson Discount Bundles:
Skype lessons are only $30 an hour, and I have many 'free lesson bundles' -- for example, if you try out my lessons and want to invest in multiple, you can get 5 hours for the price of 4 by pre-paying the bundle and therefore getting a free hour lesson! Please message me for more info on other bundles and discounts.
My rate for lessons in person in Vancouver is $40 an hour (as to compare), and I pay even more than that for my own lessons with my classical voice teacher.
Teaching is my passion, and has never been about the money for me, so I will always keep my lesson prices as low and affordable as possible

Invoices for Skype lessons are done safely and securely via PayPal, which I have found to be a lot simpler than expected. For those who don't know - all you need is a credit/debit card or bank account linked to PayPal and you can send/receive money via email. It is also accurate with automatic currency exchange.
All lessons are pre-paid, and redeemed at a scheduled time. I assure professional quality instruction and service, but if for whatever reason someone wishes to be refunded for a lesson they have pre-paid, they are eligible to receive a refund up until the lesson takes place, but not after.
Please contact me if you are interested in private lessons. I can answer any questions regarding lessons or vocals and am very excited to take on new diverse students!
Lessons can be scheduled via email, Facebook, or YouTube.
My hours of availability are flexible - send me an email and we can work something out. I'll ask for your city/country that you live in as to determine our time difference. We'll also break down and talk about which concepts interest you most, what your goals are, and how I can help you achieve them.
I look forward to speaking with you

Brandon Kennedy
Professional Singing / Screaming Teacher
(will give Skype contact and etc. when messaged)
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