Onslaught / Artillery / Striker - oct 28th


Sep 30, 2005
let's see if this tour makes it this time around...been cursed a few times now. Reggies on Tuesday Oct 28th. Would really like to see Artillery and Striker...Onslaught were super dull last time here.
I hear they are striking live!!!

You're seriously judging music you haven't heard based on an album cover?

Im still going to listen to it, im just saying the cover isnt very appealing. Cover art can make you buy an album blindly or totally disregard it. You can't argue that. I recall several times seeing a killer album cover without ever hearing the band and purchasing it because they sold me on it. And on the other hand i've disregarded listening to bands sometimes because of terrible art, just check out Pure Steel Records, their art is so awful that i dont even pay attention to them anymore and they have some good bands on the label.

So in short, i guess what im saying is that i dont judge the music itself based on album art but it definitely will keep me away from listening to it if I dont like it.