Promotions for the fest


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
There has been a LOT of recent AMAZING announcements for the festival.
I mean, HOLY CRAP!!!!
In a one week period, we have:

To be honest, unless you are on Facebook, or here, you would have NO clue these bands were booked.

I checked the official RAGNAROKKR site....
EXTREMELY outdated:

I then checked the event on the REGGIES site...
OUTDATED as well:

I know word of mouth is big, but there are still MANY people who don't know of this thing. As Odin has stated, the lineup is pretty much set, aside from a couple potential bands which probably wouldn't be game changers for anyone.

The time for a full on promo blitz is now!!!

I think at minimum though, the official site and reggies event page should be updated...............

Odin????????? Are you out there??????????????????
Sorry - but I have to remain firm on my thoughts on this...........
I think we ALL know many people who first heard of this festival from our mouths....

It's just a fact that the promotions have been 100% social media and word of mouth.

That would be fine if the fest was shooting for 100 or 150.

As I said, not trying to be a jerk.
I am making these statements to try to stress the importance of promotions.
I can't do everything all at once. Feel free to jump in and do something to help. You're getting as bad as Bob. I can assure you I fall behind at the job that actually pays me trying to do shit. I KNOW PROMO IS IMPORTANT!!!! I FUCKING KNOW THIS!!!! If I hear this one more fucking time.....I'll do something
Hold on a second Mike...............

I have made posts on other forums.
I have contacted Rebel Radio.
I have contacted EARACHE to try to make an official announcement about HOUR OF 13....

Many of us are doing plenty almost on a daily basis to help the festival.

Don't get mad at us. We are the paying customers.
(Ok - I need to clarify, as I have yet to pay for 2013, but that will happen soon).

Sorry, but its constructive criticism.

You landed an AMAZING lineup next year.
We all wanna see this succeed!
I've been working hours a day on this 7 days a week. I DO NOT have time to do it all. When you tell me "you need to do" on something I know is important but I simply don't have time for, it's like pouring salt on a fresh wound. I'm not just sitting on my hands doing nothing. Every free second of the day I have is spent on this. I have to rush taking a dump just so I can try to do shit before I go to work. It's not an easy thing to do. I just a day or two ago got the lineup near completion (and confirming bands is priority). It's gonna take time for the other things.
It's not constructive criticism. You are stating the obvious....and during an extremely high stress time. You know I have a very busy life and this is an impossible thing to pull off. You couldn't possibly think I didn't know the website was out of date. During the last week of booking, I consolidated all the web accounts. Had to spend $100 on new hosting and other services. This involved 2 full days on the phone with godaddy trying not to lose a years worth of emails....something I shouldn't have had to do. I assure you I'm doing everything in my power. If you see something lacking, feel free to do something about it since I'm probably aware of it but don't have time for it.
Hi Mike,

Is there anyone that you trust that you could delegate some of the smaller tasks to, such as updating the main website? It's really easy to make Facebook posts and reach people that way, but I think it's really important to direct people to your main website too. People on Facebook have the attention span of flies. It's so easy to get distracted. Better to get them on your sexy, updated webpage where they can get all the info in a nice user-friendly layout and not get lost in pictures of bacon and Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Just a thought.
I totally agree. I hate facebook, using it, and especially depending on it. This happened progressively. Back in the day..yep...I would make a fb post of a summary that involved clicking a link that would take one directly to the website to get the full details. Sample comments were "what" "what is it" then questions that would be answered if the person had clicked the link. It was as if they were afraid to leave fb for a few minutes. I kept being told that all info needs to be on fb as well as the website. Lack of time led to fb being a simple alternative. HTML is not easy to update...well maybe it is...I had to learn it just to make the site. So that's the boring/irrelevant story. But yeah, I'd love to have people who would do stuff, do it right, and not just doing it to try to get in for free. Or if I asked for something, it wouldn't take a week to get done.