Nevermore in Brazil [ Live 'n' Louder Fest ]

Other facts about the show...

The intro song on the L 'n L concert wasn't Noumenon as I expected.
They used a song by Loreena McKeenit - The Mystic's Dream, from The Mask And The Mirror album. Which is curious (but worked fine as an intro).

(would like to know what loreena thinks about it... :p)
Steve Smyth said:
P.P.S. Chris Broderick is (right) now "filling in for Steve", touring with Nevermore, "as Steve was diagnosed with kidney failure back in May 2006, and is unable to tour in his present condition."
Thought I would help you out, by correctly_ putting the info where it's lacking_, Steph. :Smug:
Carry on.:rolleyes:

MetalSteph said:
Ummmm....did I say anything that wasn't true? A little sensative aren't we?

All right! You *points at Steph* and you *points at Steve* -- sit down on the couch and hug for 5 minutes! No pinching! ;) :p :lol:
Yeah, quit it, you two. :)

Got the set-list for their Curitiba show yesterday (oct 15).

Set list:

Final Product
My Acid Words
Next In Line
Inside Four Walls
The River Dragon Has Come
I, Voyager
The Heart Collector
Enemies Of Reality
Sentient 6

Engines Of Hate
This Godless Endeavor

Which is pretty much the same as Live 'n Louder's... but I'm jealous, I wanted to see River Dragon! Damn! :heh:
Nightshade said:
All right! You *points at Steph* and you *points at Steve* -- sit down on the couch and hug for 5 minutes! No pinching! ;) :p :lol:

"no pinching" ???
we are talking about Steph are we ? :lol:

hey about the Pink Floyd reunion: I've seen Roger Waters in Israel 3 months ago, he played so many Pink Floyd classics... I know its not *the same*
but it was close enough and I enjoyed every moment :D
*gives you a nudje so you can pretand you care*