weird dream involving Nevermore last night

Weird..Justin had a dream about Nevermore, as well. I had a dream where I had to escape from zombies..It was lots of fun.

A while back, I dreamt that the Nevermore guys came to my house....and ate all of my food. Wtf?!?
Heh, that's weird.

Jeff Loomis was my uncle in one dream I had. Then he started playing Trial By Fire by Testament at some gig and I woke up.
I love analyzing dreams... and sometimes they make a lot of sense of
our subconcious.

Will, its pretty easy to analyze your dream...
Nevermore were at your house, (which is prolly something you really want
to happen)
They were jamming on your guitars and this is a sign of a good start like they
are playing with your toys, then Jim couldn;t find a bass, and it made you feel bad because since they were at your house you wished everything would go smoothly and perfect, Warrel looked at you with disgust, another bad sign that things didn't go right "at your own house".
the phone and the missed calls are another sign of "missing out" a chance or a phone call....

ahhh I can just bullshit like that forever :p :p
I once had a dream where Warrel had no eyes, but he kept staring at me from on stage, with no eyes. It went on for about 20 minutes. Needless to say, when i woke up, i hopped on the computer and checked every picture of warrel dane i could find on the internet, to make sure he had eyes.

Also had a weird dream where I found Kerry King and Tom araya in my shower. That was creepy...
In the enemies photoshoots warrel has FREAKY eyes, maybe thats where it comes from.

The kerry king shower thing sounds sexy tho... ;)