Onslaught Tribute


Mar 17, 2008
Sheffield, United Kingdom.
I already posted this on UKThrash but still;

Story time!

Essentially, on UG (thats ultimate-guitar.com - I know, fail) there'd been talks of doing a free-download-only cover 'album'. For no reason whatsoever my guitar player chimes in and says we should record our own onslaught tribute, to which I think 'fuck it, we'll get a shitload of bands to do it, I'm not learning 13 fucking songs'. I even went so far as to messege Nige Rockett and he seems cool with it.

Anyone else up for this? No rush like, just something for a bit of fun really.

p.s. Yes, I'm well aware I'm a fanboy, stfu:mad:
haha yeah i know, sorry about that man :(

Like I said - Regina at the street team said it'd be a good idea for UK bands to play on it, since Onslaught is a UK band ahha. But again, as I previously mentioned, there are plans for an international thrash tribute to be done soemtime next year. If I can follow through with that then I'm calling dibs on destruction and Evile haha!