operatic influences in extreme metal

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
we the start of my new band which is in the melodic bm vein. we came across the oprotunity to have a female singer join the band. and since then its spurred a string of thoughts about operatic singing added to black metal for a epic/gothy vibe.

so what are your thoughts on it. do you think it contributes to the atmosphere? or just takes away from the "grimness".

also, do you think the addition of that vocal style kinda pushes a band to a more gothy style metal like after forever?

an example of what im talking about would be siebenburgen or catamenia. or if you wanted to go past extreme metal, cradle of filth.
I generally dislike female vocals in metal, and it's defintely not what I want when I listen to black metal. I prefer a more rockin' type of music with vocals to match, rather than symphonic or gothic stuff.
The only band with female vocals worth shit were Mourn, and then they only lasted for one album. Women and metal do not, as a rule, mix.

Note to feminists: Yes, I know Jo Bench is a woman. In the main, women in metal = wimpy metal band. IN THE MAIN.
Used wisely, in certain parts of the song, female vocals can create a very nice atmosphere... see this songs for example:
Lord Belial - Path With Endless Horizons
Unlord - Angel Of Fire
Agalloch - She Painted Fire Across The Skyline - Part 1
Månegarm - Skymningsresa
Female operatic vocals in black metal seems a bit out of place, and usually sounds awkward, although it depends on the instrumental accompaniment as well. I'd hate to generalize though, so maybe you may can try out the vocalist a few times to see how she fits in. I prefer operatic female vocals more in doom metal.
Zhou Tai 04 said:
Augury is really good.
^yea Augury are the shit! but they won't a girl singing in the band for the next record because opera vocal apparently don't fit well with touring... but that's a good example for death metal w/ opera vocal.

One band with awesome female vocal is Unexpect, check out the song Novae it's incredible. They play avant-garde metal though so it's not exactly black metal.
On the new Celtic Frost, the song Obscured has fantastic and emotional placement of female vocals. I don't really like women singing in metal, just personal preference...but that part is fantastic. Well, the SONG is.
Like everyone else has said, it depends on the song really. Used too much it would likely become quite boring or annoying, but just enough at the right time can be great. Why not just experiment with her voice a bit and see how things sound to you after a few practices?
It all depends on the songs and the band. If you depend on the fact that you have a female, like most bands seem to do, and not try quite as hard composing, then you're gonna suck. If you focus on the music using all the tools you have, you're gonna make some pretty good music. Generally.
Zhou Tai 04 said:
Augury is really good.

hell yeah they are. i wish my guitarist could play the tech shit that augury does. somthing close to augury's sound is somthing i strive for