Opeth as a catalyst for consciousness expansion

To Meta Therion said:
Two friends of mine, one a diehard beatles fan and the other a fan of mainstream rock, were taking a psilocybin trip a few years back at my place, when I put on Morningrise on repeat play. Later they both described the experience of tripping to Opeth in almost religious terms. Both are now rabid fans of Opeth and underground metal in general. Has anyone else had similar experiences combining Opeth with, ahem, altered states of consciousness?

I, for one, didn't need drugs to appreciate finer music. It took time, but your mind is a muscle, as well. Listening to mainstream rock (e.g 5 lbs weights) doesnt make you any stronger in the long run.

My wine palette certainly needs improvement, though. I still can't tell the difference between red and white wine.
I haven't fried in a long time, but if and when I get ahold of some shrooms, I would certainly throw on some Opeth, maybe BWP.
I smoke weed a little, about once a week, and I have a good time listening to Opeth while high on that. I was high at the Opeth show on the 7th. But I havent tried shrooms yet. I think Im going to try it at least once and when I do Ill deffinitly put on some Opeth, Morningrise sounds like it would be great, and then after that Id throw on some Mars Volta...that stuff is so good on weed I cant imagine what it would be like on shrooms
Ya I have about 12 grams of shrooms now and was thinking of tripping to Damnation and Morningrise in the dark. But one thing I noticed is stuff around you influences your emotions so anything too heavy might not be good, although I really want to try it. I listen to Opeth after/during smoking weed it is IMO the best way to hear it. You can pick up on each individual instrument it is great. I gained a new appreciation for them while listening to them intoxicated. By no means does that mean they cant be appreciated without drugs I love Opeth fucked up or not but in my experience it is great. Like at the concert in San Fransicsco it was godlike :headbang:
Hope that gives some info about drugs and music. Its great :)
If i were tripping out to Opeth I'd for sure put on one of the concept albums, probably Still Life.. I think that would be the ULTIMATE best experience ever!
It depends on where you're from. For well-to-do suburbs and upper middle class neighborhoods, it's probably well over half for teens. In the more middle class areas it's less common. Generally the richest and poorest schools have the most drug use.
Yeah there are a lot of teens in America that smoke weed and its kind of annoying because a lot of them do it just to be cool or just because its illegal. The only reason I do it is for music. If I get high and dont get to listen to music or play guitar then Im kind of disapointed. My favorite thing to do is ride around with my friend smoking a blunt then come back to his house and jam for a few hours and then come home and pass out listening to some music. My friend was telling me about shrooms and the time that he tried them and I was thinking about trying them some time, can anyone here explain what its like. See, my friend told me that the first time he did it the first few hours he was freaking out and almost went crazy and was about to beat up everyone and he was getting really pissed off, but after that he said it was amazing. But Im just a little afraid of those first few hours he was talking about, I dont know if it would be good thing to do if thats going to happen. Can anyone else tell me what their first shroom trip was like or what I should expect if I were to try them?
Ive listened to My Arms Your Hearse and Still Life on shrooms. I had a great time with MAYH sitting in my room with some candles on, I was a bit distracted when I was listening to Still Life mainly because i was in a car with some friends so i couldnt really get "into" the music, but it was great nontheless.
Bereaved the first few hours of shroom trip arent always going ot be bad and they wont always be good either. Your trip depends a lot on your surroundings and the people you are around. I say if you want to try the be with a good friend put on some happy music ie Pink Floyd Darkside of the Moon and just have a good time. When Im shrooming on about an eigth I don't think I could play a guitar but then again I never have tried. I gotta do that next time :loco: Alright stay happy and safe. Later
iseesmurfs420 said:
Bereaved the first few hours of shroom trip arent always going ot be bad and they wont always be good either. Your trip depends a lot on your surroundings and the people you are around. I say if you want to try the be with a good friend put on some happy music ie Pink Floyd Darkside of the Moon and just have a good time. When Im shrooming on about an eigth I don't think I could play a guitar but then again I never have tried. I gotta do that next time :loco: Alright stay happy and safe. Later

Dark Side Of The Moon - happy music? :confused:
Isnt it about nervous breakdowns and dying etc..?
Hrmmm...I've tripped out on Shrooms before, was pretty cool I admit. I haven't had Shrooms while listening to music, and it's bloody difficult trying to get shrooms over here in Australia. Although it grows wildly, the cops seem to know all the locations and secure those areas.

Marijuana on the other hand, I have alot of fun smoking it, whether it be listening to music, chilling out with friends coming up with some really weird conversations and occasionally just doing really stupid shit. I've smoked with the presence of Opeth on my stereo and it was awesome, I could pick out all the instruments as if I was listening using headphones but even better. Sure you don't need drugs to enjoy music, but it does enhance the feeling. One of my friends smoked dope and had some acid and he totally freaked out while listening to Kayo Dot. It was quite funny, because well I had smoked some weed as well :D