opeth gig - london


Apr 20, 2002
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Is anyone else going to the opeth gig in london on may 27th?? I am hopefully. Is it at the mean fiddler or the astoria though? because stargreen.com says the astoria but everywhere else says mean fiddler.

I was also wondering how strict they are on the being 16 to get in thing? Does anyone know?
Mean fiiddler is part of astoria, so youll have to go to the same place.
There shouldnt be a problem being 16 i suppose, unless you look realllyy young :)
see ya on the 27th!
I really want to go, but I have exams on that day and woun't be able to, it is in mean fiddle which is next door to astoria. a lot of my mates are going, and I will just go to keep them company while they are queing or something
Well I am actually not 16 yet but I think I can pass for 16. If it's in the mean fiddler, I think you have to be 18. Is that right? :(
i will be going. i hope it is at the mean fiddler and not the astoria. dont worry about getting in - my fifteen year old sister had no trouble when she went to see my dying bride.
dont worry you lot, i remember i was the same when going to the Underworld for the first time with the website saying 'over 18's only' and i was 15, and im now 18 in a few days or so and i look about 14 so its not really a problem, dont worry about it. :grin:

as for exams, hmn, i've got an exam Monday, and im going to Tony Adams testimonial right after, an exam on Opeth, and another, 2 two days after... i'll make it :mad:
I wonder who will be the third support or if tere'll even be one
who do you think it will be?
does an british band fit the bill?
i wonder what opeth's first song will be? maybe Advent?
Look at this!!!:
Originally posted by Pierogi
Fuck THIS I've got 6 exams between the 29th and 31st.

I've been waiting for another gig impatiently and now this

i think Opeth should reschedule because i am the greatest Opeth fan and they need me at the gig

wow and they changed it to the 27th Martin Lopez must have been reading! probably realised he couldn't play without me being there
Originally posted by robin
I'm 14 and 5'10. I don't think I would get in.
my sisters about 5'6 and she got in fine. im only 5'2 and will probably be accused of being 13 or something:bah: . you might as well try it - chances are you will get in without any trouble.
Originally posted by Pierogi
I wonder who will be the third support or if tere'll even be one
who do you think it will be?
does an british band fit the bill?
i wonder what opeth's first song will be? maybe Advent?

you just reminded me of what happened yesterday, whilst at a friends i was flicking through in the afternoon and as all the music channels are crap i switched to TOTALROCK radio, straight away a noticed a touch of acoustic class, it was 'In Mist She Was Standing' wow, first time i'd heard opeth on the Radio/Tv radio and it felt wierd really, anyway the woman Dj said that LABRAT will support. ive seen them live before and well as much as i wanted to see them live (although at the time i didnt know they were gonna support Gutworm) they weren't that great, i mean they're good, just nothing special, i'd get their album if they had one though, i'd say better than the usual crap support bands.
Originally posted by in2thenight

my sisters about 5'6 and she got in fine. im only 5'2 and will probably be accused of being 13 or something:bah: . you might as well try it - chances are you will get in without any trouble.

thanks for your post. you have convinced me to risk it :)

p.s. if i don't get in, on your head be it. ;)

by the way, for all you people worrying about exams - the music will relax you and you'll do better :D
well i think it was White Cluster when i saw them, last tour. usually bands keep the same set when they've just recently done a tour, but opeth aren't like other bands, i really hope they do a completly different set to last time, and hopefully 'Patterns in the ivy 2'' as well :grin:
I already got a ticket and I hope they'll change the playlist a bit.. (since last time I mean..) what about Moonlapse Vertigo instead of White Cluster? hmm :P C ya there guys..

EDIT: And they started with The Leper Affinity last time..