opeth guitar-pro files...


\m/ (*_-) \m/
Jul 29, 2001
can someone PLEASE make guitar pro files of opeth songs??

please please please

especialli "The Twilight is My Robe"
Except Demon of the Fall, that's a great tab.

I could sent you the ones I got when they were posted here. They are Karma, BWP, Godhead's Lament, White Cluster, When, TBYF and I think a couple more. Not the greatest tabs, but they help.
Originally posted by Id
Except Demon of the Fall, that's a great tab.

I could sent you the ones I got when they were posted here. They are Karma, BWP, Godhead's Lament, White Cluster, When, TBYF and I think a couple more. Not the greatest tabs, but they help.

I can play them all. I think the Demon of the Fall gptab, was made
on the basis of my tab at Darkwood com. This what the guy said...
Yes, they´re not the greatest and most of mine need correction too...
ive been tabbing forest of october and BWP, but ive kinda run into brick walls with both of them. if i can post them here, you guys can fiddle with them some if u want