

Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Why is it that whenever I spray my Opeth pic/w logo in Counter-Strike or look up my Opeth wallpapers at school I always get from people shit along the lines of

'so you're into that hippy crap huh?'
'oh you like that grungy shit?'
'who has that homosexual spray with the 4 guys with long hair on it?'

It really pisses me off... its like every 2nd person's been brainwashed into that form of thinking. :(
lol sickkkk u got opeth cs spray! that owns.......i have a dark angel one right now(the show not the band of course) can u send me the spray if i give u my email?...i have been playin cs for only a month now , but its fun.
No, none of them had 'heard' the music... they judge by the appearances of the band members...

Also, spikes... feel free to gimme ur e-mail, I'll send it over right away. If you have any requests I can make a custom one for ya too :)
Originally posted by CladInDarkness
what is this opeth spray?

Yes, what is Opeth spray? :err:
Anyways, Opeth better not be hippies! :mad: Even though they look it. God damn hippies ...
opeth spray is a bootle product , it has like opeth patterns and u can spray it on any shirt u want...like i have a white shirt , i sprayed the opeth o on it..................................................................................

no , that was my sad attempt at humor...its just a little logo thing for counter strike (a computer game) like when you kill somebody you spray there body with ur spray lol , very violent game really...see what i do is i spray b4 anyone dies , a guy rounds the bend and sees jessica alba(usually a guy will stop and look) and then i reap the kill!!!!!! hahahahahahahaha.
lol hey hey no raggin on the cs nerds , i just got into it so im not fully addicted yet , and usually i play at night anyway , less lag and better players...i even met some metal people in their , one guy was into black metal , another guy had an anathema name. fun fun.
i get

" what, you like some band called opeth? anything like otep because otep rocks!"

"i heard one of their songs, but it will never be as hardcore as korn!!!!!"

" they play sissy crap and they look like they should be rioting against the "man" and singing songs about war"
starts singing... "How many years can a people exist before they're allowed to be free? The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind." :lol:
Originally posted by Leech
"i heard one of their songs, but it will never be as hardcore as korn!!!!!"
:lol::lol::lol:OMFG that's funny as hell. That just made my day.

" they play sissy crap and they look like they should be rioting against the "man" and singing songs about war"
Calling all militant fanboys...
CS has drained my life.... no, not really... it just becomes so fuckin frustrating after a while having to deal with each new version and how more BS the game has become... I used to be a really good player in 1.0 before magical headshots were possible... I still am, but my nerves have been shot.

Anyway, the Opeth spray is my way of kinda venting on CS... also I like starting arguements with the nerd boys...
i know how to use it somewhat , but its boring , unless your playin like awp_map...Even good people i know dont use it that often.