G.W. Attacks!


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
I'm perpetually tortured by a repulsive, noisy, fat, smelly cunt sittin across from me. For example, she squeezes her stupid ass out the front door to stuff herself with six pizzas for lunch. And what should invade her empty head and get caught in the cobwebs while listening to the radio?

Yep. National Public Radio.


So, I get treated to a disorganised rehash of that hippy shit, complete with a slurry of "uh" and "oh, wait" and "I forgot what."

By the time the brainless whore is finished babbling, my ears are practically bleeding from the noise and my headache cannot be measured by any pain index known to medicine.

But what I do know is, G.W. has struck again! Oh yes, global warming! And in its devious human shape, George W. Bush.

Now it seems, George W. has declared war on polar bears, and broken off a giant ice shelf, throwing enough fresh water into the oceans to cause a shift in the gulf stream, which should throw the world into an ice age in three days.

Huh. Sounds familiar.

That big-mouthed bitch expressly blames George W. for the broken ice shelf, which of course, means someone on NPR said it and she's repeating it like a pathetic parrot without any hint of brain to compensate for her generous cellulose-enhanced thighs.

So, I need to understand this shit, in order to justify the suffering I've endured this morning.

I thought George W. is responsible for Hurricane Katrina and a whole slew of devastating weather systems that are raining down unholy hell on us because he allows his climatic alter-ego Global Warming to go apeshit.

But... there were no hurricanes this year!

By this dump-truck shaped bitch's irrefutable logic, G.W. must have deviously changed his form from the vicious hurricanes of last year to the polar bear slaughtering broken ice shelf THIS year!

By jove!

Only question I have, is how did we come to get this man-made global natural disaster as our commander in chief? The fuckin fat-ass motherfucker sittin diagonally from me, who this fat-ass cunt always blathers to, responds this way: "I didn't vote for him."

Should we have invaded Iraq? "I didn't vote for him." What do you think about Hurricane Katrina? "I didn't vote for him." What about that big broken ice shelf? "I didn't vote for him." You want a cup of coffee? "I didn't vote for him." When does the next update go to delivery? "I didn't vote for him." Are you a mindless NPR zombie? "I didn't vote for him."

...God, I hate the cubicle system!

I'm perpetually tortured by a repulsive, noisy, fat, smelly cunt sittin across from me. For example, she squeezes her stupid ass out the front door to stuff herself with six pizzas for lunch. And what should invade her empty head and get caught in the cobwebs while listening to the radio?

Yep. National Public Radio.


So, I get treated to a disorganised rehash of that hippy shit, complete with a slurry of "uh" and "oh, wait" and "I forgot what."

By the time the brainless whore is finished babbling, my ears are practically bleeding from the noise and my headache cannot be measured by any pain index known to medicine.

But what I do know is, G.W. has struck again! Oh yes, global warming! And in its devious human shape, George W. Bush.

Now it seems, George W. has declared war on polar bears, and broken off a giant ice shelf, throwing enough fresh water into the oceans to cause a shift in the gulf stream, which should throw the world into an ice age in three days.

Huh. Sounds familiar.

That big-mouthed bitch expressly blames George W. for the broken ice shelf, which of course, means someone on NPR said it and she's repeating it like a pathetic parrot without any hint of brain to compensate for her generous cellulose-enhanced thighs.

So, I need to understand this shit, in order to justify the suffering I've endured this morning.

I thought George W. is responsible for Hurricane Katrina and a whole slew of devastating weather systems that are raining down unholy hell on us because he allows his climatic alter-ego Global Warming to go apeshit.

But... there were no hurricanes this year!

By this dump-truck shaped bitch's irrefutable logic, G.W. must have deviously changed his form from the vicious hurricanes of last year to the polar bear slaughtering broken ice shelf THIS year!

By jove!

Only question I have, is how did we come to get this man-made global natural disaster as our commander in chief? The fuckin fat-ass motherfucker sittin diagonally from me, who this fat-ass cunt always blathers to, responds this way: "I didn't vote for him."

Should we have invaded Iraq? "I didn't vote for him." What do you think about Hurricane Katrina? "I didn't vote for him." What about that big broken ice shelf? "I didn't vote for him." You want a cup of coffee? "I didn't vote for him." When does the next update go to delivery? "I didn't vote for him." Are you a mindless NPR zombie? "I didn't vote for him."

...God, I hate the cubicle system!


i love you.

yeah, it's all his fault! Read the full story here:
The Terrible Truth About G.W. Bush!
I must amend the above statement. Gloria Steinem says I should change it to "Pull our boys and girls out."
...God, I hate the cubicle system!


I feel your pain. I used to work next to this guy who would fart all damn day. The only time he would acknowledge it was when one got by him and we could hear it. He would say "Oh sorry, that slipped." I would seize the opportunity and tell him that we all knew he was farting all day. It got to a point where I was breaking out the can of Oust everytime I detected even a hint of his assbreath. When I became Team Lead, I promptly moved his workstation to an isolated part of the room.
Good luck with that salad-dodger you have to work with.
I feel your pain. I used to work next to this guy who would fart all damn day. The only time he would acknowledge it was when one got by him and we could hear it. He would say "Oh sorry, that slipped." I would seize the opportunity and tell him that we all knew he was farting all day. It got to a point where I was breaking out the can of Oust everytime I detected even a hint of his assbreath. When I became Team Lead, I promptly moved his workstation to an isolated part of the room.
Good luck with that salad-dodger you have to work with.

I swear, I'm surprised I still have a sense of humour after all of this! In the whole rest of the world, even the lowest office workers have their own offices, complete with real walls and real doors. They may be small, but they allow someone to work in peace.

Only American businesses are dumb enough to allow pointless, lazy, fat, shiftless employees to disturb their productive workers.

Shit. Even now, my productivity on Billy's forum is being disturbed by these fuckin doughnut wolves! :mad:

I swear, I'm surprised I still have a sense of humour after all of this! In the whole rest of the world, even the lowest office workers have their own offices, complete with real walls and real doors. They may be small, but they allow someone to work in peace.

Only American businesses are dumb enough to allow pointless, lazy, fat, shiftless employees to disturb their productive workers.

Shit. Even now, my productivity on Billy's forum is being disturbed by these fuckin doughnut wolves! :mad:


There is one thing that I do like about these sloths that weigh me down at work. There have been days that I have come to work with the "bottle-flu" and I was only working at about 60-75%. Even at a slowed pace, I appear to be lapping them.